
Why Does Marriage Fail?

The Truth About Intimacy

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Why Does Marriage Fail?: The Truth About Intimacy

The secret that the Torah shares with us about men and women is that they are not brought closer through physical attraction.
Marriage, Sexuality, Men & Women

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Anonymous Chicago April 12, 2019

I listened to this class a number of times. Unfortunately I think the most important messages are lost in the semantics and word games. This is a shame because the listener is likely to be affected in a way not intended by this clearly learned sage. We dont need to detract from love but only from love as redefined by the world at large. Love is a divine attribute. While the Rabbi tries to say this it is lost in the attempt at humor and sensationalism. We dont need to vilify sex but only as it is defined in the Rabbis mind and in this lecture the terms are not clearly defined. Listening to this lecture a woman is likely to believe that any man who desires her by definition objectifies her. Sex in its general definition as unification and not in the form defined by the unstated intention of the Rabbi is also a divine concept. With Hashem's help may the Rabbi's true meaning and its light shine through. Reply

Dee March 20, 2017

Brilliant! After I first got over the shock of marriage being articulated in a way that agrees with my soul, I relaxed and took in all that I myself was unable to articulate to any given potential husband - realizing my husband will naturally possess these qualities and willingly give to me. Reply

Rouss Bogotá, Colombia. December 10, 2014

Thanks a lot! I wish every single man in this planet, could understand this...it's so important. Reply

nubia mexico df December 9, 2014

great this is a great shiur, so important, I've learned many deep things on it. Thanks rab! Reply

Anonymous West Chester December 9, 2014

Yes :-) Wow! When he started with "love is not important" , I was enraged. But what he said next made perfect sense. Don't we all want to be important to our partners? Reply

Ana Texas September 4, 2014

A Blessing Hearing Rabbi Friedman has changed completely my thoughts about love and marriage, You are a blessing in my life Rabbi! Thanks so much! Reply

Andy Minnepaolis, Minnesota USA July 7, 2014

Wow! This is one of the most powerful Torah teachings I have ever heard. Worth listening to over again. I say this as a non-Jew, a Noahide, who looks to God through His Torah and Israel. It is a blessing to dwell in the tents of Shem. ;) Thank you for sharing this. Reply

Ann Canada December 29, 2013

Absolutely Brilliant Rabbi Friedman, you have challenged me greatly with this discourse. At first, I found myself saying, "Hmm...this is interesting..." then, "What?!?!" But after I began to understand where you were taking this and set aside my preconceived notions, Rabbi, I shook my head over and over and said, "Wow, this is awesome." And I will share it with my friends and listen to it again and again. Thank you, B'H Reply

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