
What Makes a 'Good' Person?

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What Makes a 'Good' Person?

There are three conditions in life: good, evil and the holy.
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Good and Evil, Tanya

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suzy handler Woodland Hills, Ca. January 27, 2017

I am not certain what makes a good person. G-d showed me a sign today but I will keep this to myself. I try and do good deeds and read the Torah daily but sometimes I think bad thoughts. I wish I didn't.
Perhaps someone will help me out there. Reply

FaheySC South Carolina July 15, 2013

I needed this! Reply

EDWARD April 1, 2013

This took the blinders off my eyes!!!!! Reply

Nahomi ca, ca February 28, 2011

tears came to my face I felt so unimportant when my only brother died, I felt that G-D was punishing me , I had to Understand G-D was Loving me.

I am back to prayer! Reply

tzina nechumah Tel Aviv, Israel February 6, 2011

Seeking 'oneness'. You've reminded me of a wonderful story that was told at a 60'th B''H! wedding anniversary:
A little old man, and a little old woman were waiting to see the doctor. Finally they are asked into the office and the doctor asks 'Who is not feeling well today?' 'What can I do to help?' The little old man replies: 'Doctor, we have a cold'.

They have achieved that 'oneness' that so many strive for. They are 'one' couple. Each feels the pain, the joy of the other. The sense of sharing has obliterated the self and together they are one. That essence is what some may describe as 'soul mates' not as a gift from above but as a treasure that each has given only to the other: themselves.

I am my beloved's. My beloved is mine. What remarkable words that are repeated each day, As G-d renews His marriage with the children of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, each day, in a promise that will never be broken, for all eternity, we too must respond and be worthy of His love and seek 'oneness' with Him. Reply

Anonymous dallas, ga December 25, 2008

very smart man rabbi friedman! Reply

Host, Michael Chighel, talks to some of the world's greatest experts about the masterpiece of Hasidic thought, the book of Tanya.
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