Dedicated by Moris and Lillian Tabacinic · In loving memory of Menachem Mendel and Shaindel Tabacinic
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Chabad in Dutch city steps up during shocking attacks
Mitzvahs & Traditions
How (often) and what must women pray?
Taibel Lipskier was a refugee from the Soviet Union. Turning to the Rebbe about her fears and worries, he gave her advice that changed her life.

Abraham worshipped idols as did his father, Terach.

Terach was an intelligent man, as was his son, Abraham.

But Abraham came to recognize the falseness of the idols, while Terach stayed behind.

Because Terach never truly believed in the idols and never truly worshipped them.

But when Abraham worshipped idols, i...
Abraham broke his natural tendencies to follow G-d. We can (and must!) do the same.
Jewish News
A decade-long journey is a ‘dream come true’
Contemporary Voices
Generations later, a family heirloom comes full circle.
Parshah (Weekly Torah)
The Logic of Faith
Jewish Stories
Eventually, the stress affected the butcher, and he died broken-hearted and exhausted.
Culled from the wisdom of the classic Jewish work called the Tanya
The fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
Jewish News
With prayers for New York, senator spends hour at holy site
Jewish History
Sarah was the first of seven prophetesses and the mother of the Jewish nation.
Jewish News
President Javier Milei connects weekly parshah to Gerardo Werthein's diplomatic mission
Jewish Quizzes
Who was he, and what do you know about him?
Whether or not the person understands [words of Torah and Chassidic teaching], the soul hears
– Rabbi DovBer of Lubavitch
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