Dedicated by Moris and Lillian Tabacinic · In loving memory of Menachem Mendel and Shaindel Tabacinic
Jewish Life
Learn about an ancient Jewish community that lives on in Israel, the U.S. and elsewhere.
Mitzvahs & Traditions
And Other Things You Need to Know About Leading Prayers
As the atmosphere envelops our planet, so your thoughts surround you.
Every conscious thought, every utterance of your lips, every interaction with your world is released into an aura that surrounds you. Through that aura, all life, all blessing, all that shines down from Above must pass.
An aura of beauty receives ...
Jewish History
Find out about this notorious trickster with deep family connections to our patriarchs and matriarchs.
Chances are you are not as busy as Rabbi Adin Even-Israel (Steinsaltz); feeling overwhelmed, he turned to the Rebbe for advice.
Parshah (Weekly Torah)
The plain reading of the relevant verses suggests this; however, there is debate about what actually occurred. Video
Chava devoted years seeking to understand feminism. The answer is in the teachings of the Rebbe.
Jewish News
Plaque at Lisbon Port commemorates ‘S.S. Serpa Pinto,’ which brought thousands to safety
Despite all the wisdom granted to [King] Solomon... he was mystified by the Four Kinds. As it is written (Proverbs 30:18): "Three things are wondrous to me..." - these are the Passover offering, matzah and maror [eaten at the Passover seder]; "...and four I do not know" - these are the Four Kinds [taken on Sukkot].
– Midrash Rabbah, Vayikra 30:14
Jehoaikim Burnt Lamentations
Jehoaikim, King of Judah, burnt a scroll dictated by the
prophet Jeremiah
and written by his disciple... Read More »
Death of King Herod
Death of Herod, King of Judea. Herod seized the rule from
the Hasmoneans, after killing them all. Fear... Read More »
Once a month, as the moon waxes in the sky, we recite a special blessing called Kiddush Levanah, "the... Read More »
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