Dedicated by Moris and Lillian Tabacinic · In loving memory of Menachem Mendel and Shaindel Tabacinic
Parshah (Weekly Torah)
When there seems to be no fuel
left, we remember that we have G‑d, and we burn bright and strong and are not
Jewish News
Award-winning 23,000-square-foot Chabad center signals thriving Jewish future
Audio & Video Classes
Get a friendly rundown on this week in Judaism with a splash of humor.
The public servant’s six decades of service offer lessons for today
Avraham Rottenberg was distraught after finding out that his father suffered a heart attack.
Jewish History
Daughter of King Pharaoh, who defied her father’s harsh decree and rescued a Jewish baby in the Nile.
Jewish Life
Local leader uncovers new evidence of massacre
The etrog has both a taste and an aroma; so, too, do the people of Israel include individuals who have both Torah learning and good deeds.... The date (the fruit of the lulav) has a taste but does not have an aroma; so, too, do the people of Israel include individuals who have Torah but do not have good deeds.... The hadas (myrtle) has an aroma but not a taste; so, too, do the people of Israel include individuals who have good deeds but do not have Torah.... The aravah (willow) has no taste and no aroma; so, too, do the people of Israel include individuals who do not have Torah and do not have good deeds.... Says G-d: "Let them all bond together in one bundle and atone for each other."
– Midrash Rabbah, Vayikra 30:11
Salvation of Baghdad Jewry
On this date, Murad IV, sultan of the Ottoman Empire,
recaptured Baghdad from the Persian Shah after a... Read More »
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