
Who’s Paying for Their Crime?

Allocating Valuable Resources to Serving Jews in Prison

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Who’s Paying for Their Crime?: Allocating Valuable Resources to Serving Jews in Prison

How communities can determine the priority of helping incarcerated Jews. Keynote speech at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of Jewish Prison Chaplains.
Good and Evil, Birkat HaGomel, Compassion, Prison; Imprisonment

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S UK January 6, 2019

Teshuvah With our own human errors we turn to HaShem for compassion through remorse and teshuvah and pray we are redeemed, therefore, how can we not feel compassion for others who make errors in life?

This presentation was so eloquent in the approach on understanding compassion and why we all deserve compassion.

Chabad Rabbis are doing wonderful work in helping to reform prison life. May HaShem bless all their endeavours.

Thank you, Rabbi Friedman for this enlightenment. Reply

Keisha Bender December 13, 2018

Speechless! Amazing, So deep, and so moving. I am moved to tears. I believe how we treat the worst of society reflects the worse and best of us as a humanity. We do not have to sugar coat the truth or allow prisoners to break the law. We only need to never allow darkness to destroy what is pure, loving, holy, and good. Thank you, Rabbi. G-d, bless His Holy Name, bless you. Reply

Rochelle Atlantic City , NJ May 6, 2013

People In Prison Thank you... Reply

AQlan J. Bender Wildwood, NJ/USA October 29, 2010

People and Prisons I have been in almost 300 prisons in the last 15 years to help people regain hope, and I believe in helping people in prison. I have seen men in Kenya who were comdemed to death have new hope that they put down the shame of their life and raise a banner of Honor to G-d and to their families I have also been in Israel, and I was in the children's hospital and I know that the soldiers come to the hospital when they are off their duty. Hearing this compassionate view on helping others through a Jewish perspective for people in prison really encourages me, thank you! Reply

Noach miTelshestone Telshestone, Israel October 27, 2010

Who's paying for their crime? After listening to Rabbi Friedman, DO SOMETHING POSITIVE!
Become a Pen Pal to a Prisoner in a prison in America.
I have been a pen pal for over six years and lerarnt an enormous amount about life and I am in my middle seventies and British by birth.
To do nothingis NOT an option.
Contact the Aleph Institute Pen Pal Organiser in New Zealand and find a match and then change two lives, the pen pal and your own.
He who saves one life saves the world. Saving two means recreating ones own perspectives and sense of appreciation of life.

Richard Raff October 21, 2010

Who's Paying for Their Crime? i pray the world could hear what you just said.A clean start is what we all need, really good talk. Reply

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