
The Ultimate Recipe for Lasting Love

Advice for Couples

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The Ultimate Recipe for Lasting Love: Advice for Couples

How couples can build the kind of life together where both will give and receive the maximum amount of love.
Marriage, Love

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tina Miller Hereford Penna. May 30, 2017

Thank you Rabbi I enjoy and learn so much from you. I love your humor and passion you are so genuine and it shines through in all you teach. I wish I would have heard this many many years ago, better late than never.. Blessings Reply

zeynep September 22, 2013

Rabbi Friedman, grateful beyond words What is revealed here is so precious that if a handful of us would dedicate ourselves to fully manifest it in our lives, we would be given the go-ahead for the construction of the final eternal Temple in Jerusalem. Reply

Anita NM February 3, 2013

Awesome I like the way you teach...thorough with a flare of humor.. Reply

nancy israel, israel June 3, 2012

rabbi manis friedman you are so amazing! and i love this topic and i love how u lecture..God be with you! Reply

Anonymous london, uk April 8, 2012

love Thank you very much! Fantastic lecture really enjoyed it! Reply

Anonymous lexington, ma March 27, 2012

Three premises of M. Friedman:
1. "You can come into my life based on my laws and commandments - that's not love".
Agee. But isn't that what Judaism says to all interested in it.
2. "If I can not define what is at my core, how can someone be close to me, and thus love me".
Agree. But God is at the core of many people, and they still stone each other.
3. "Remember who you are - a Jewish soul"
Yes I am, and I believe in G-d,and I love people, but I would never invite someone who preaches love but does not live it. Reply

Anonymous Mesa, Arizona, USA February 7, 2012

Rabbi Friedman,
How can someone love another who puts him/her down? Putting each other's down with insults or lack of respect brings low selfsteem in a person. Not a good thing. I have seen couple who put each other's down and they are always angry. Without even realizing how miserable they are. Blessed are those who have such a marriage. Thank you Rabbi Friedman, wonderful lesson. Reply

Audrfey Adelaide, Australia January 4, 2012

Lasting Love 4th January, 2012. I came upon this presentation TODAY. So, this evening, while we were enjoying a Wedding Anniversary dinner, I asked my husband if he'd listen to it with me when we got home. We have just done that, and found it very refreshing and enriching. TODAY we celebrate 48 years of marriage. What a wonderful way to celebrate!! Reply

Paulette San Diego, CA October 27, 2011

Manis Friedman's "Good To Know Talk" This is a wonderful talk....very re-affirming for someone who has been in a long term marriage AS WELL as for someone looking to enter a relationship/marriage. Reply

Mary Lynn Wise Hurd Burke Anderson Cocord, NC via chabadofgwinnett.org March 17, 2011

It's Good to Know The teaching is so inspirational & refreshing to me. The Truth Can Not Be Hidden. Love is A Desire For Greater Greater Closeness.

When you see someone else that Makes our life more stable and comfortable. Then when you see something in that person that inspires you & can be accepting of you in good or bad, you begin to trust that they love you, for yourself. When there is no challenge or controversy you get to complacent with no romance, you begin to lose that relationship!

Keep your Love fresh intimate & some times very inspiring and exciting. At times it is quiet & introspective. Some times you need your space and moments of time and then you can not wait to see your Love! Reply

Eilan Toronto, Ontario January 12, 2011

Simply Amazing Mannis knows how to take something and give it over in such an amazing manner. This class was nothing less than spectacular.

Thank You! Reply

Mr. David Morris January 10, 2011

All you need is love Easily one of the best lectures on the subject of love within a marraige that this sinner has ever heard.... Thank you Reply

David Suissa la, ca December 28, 2010

Manis Friedman As brilliant as ever. Reply

Susan via chabadofcobb.com December 27, 2010

Recipe for lasting love is WOW Amazing....things just do not have to be hard---stop looking in and keep looking out together. Reply

Anonymous Granada Hills, CA December 26, 2010

Thank you Rabbi Friedman I am not Jewish, but after watching this I now know why I love Judaism and the Jewish people. Judaism has given to humanity the secrets to a good life, a good human being and a good society. Reply

Jane December 12, 2010

I can live with that This is wonderful. Describes the path I need to follow. Nice! Reply

Roxanne Houston, tx December 7, 2010

Thank you!!! It really sobered me up! Thank you!!!! Reply

Anonymous toronto, m6h 3p2 December 2, 2010

Recipe for Lasting Love Amazing class...one of the best I have heard on this subject... Reply

Kayo Tokyo, Japan December 2, 2010

I will live with that Baruch HaShem

Thank you for such a clear, very understandable definition of holy institution of marriage. Reply

Richard Raff December 1, 2010

The Ultimate Recipe for Lasting Love If we do the math it only can work if we have each other, man can not survive only just being (man). For the future is with the woman and also the understanding of physical love. For man has love for G-d and what He has created for us. Women can be the symbol of getting a second chance of life,maybe a son or a daughter. If your children brought up with the guidelines of His commandments, could very well Honor G-d in the same way a husband and wife would enter His Holy sanctuary or His garden. May this happen speedily in our days A-men. Reply

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