
The Kabbalah of Prayer

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The Kabbalah of Prayer

The concept of prayer seems paradoxical: asking G-d, who is infinite and all knowing, to grant us our puny needs and desires?
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Men & Women, Tanya, Prayer

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Gabriel Mondragon Goldsboro, NC May 15, 2022

Wonderful interview, thank you so much for this Reply

Amber Medina July 28, 2019

Chana, you are a beautiful inspiration...inside and out! This is exactly what I know of prayer put into lovely words, simple words, yet meaningful words! You mentioned a class on prayer. Can you recommend a class on prayer?
Shalom & thank you! Reply

Chana Weisberg Pomona August 5, 2019
in response to Amber :

Thank you so much Amber. I really appreciate your comments.
RE a short video on prayer, you can try this or for a longer class on prayer here
I hope that helps! All the best! Reply

Moshe Nigeria June 15, 2017

I love to pray because God as us to pray, wan we pray God see it that we are doing what he ask us to do. Reply

barry wicksman saipan July 1, 2014

Everything happens for for the good? Everything happens for the good. Tell this to the victims of the holocaust. Reply

Mary New mexico June 16, 2017
in response to barry wicksman:

It happened because Jews began to neglect the Torah, some say. Listen to some lecture on this topic for clearer understanding. Reply

barry wicksman SAIPAN June 19, 2017
in response to Mary:

Many holy Torah religious Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis not to mention over a million innocent Jewish children. Reply

Susan Winter New York May 29, 2021
in response to Mary:

That’s not really a good explanation. Not only the Holocaust, but even before the Crusaders was murdering and burning Jews . Now again the world became antisemitic. To the point when people against Israel what is a simple Jew hater. Reply

Anonymous July 7, 2021
in response to Mary:

I understand it's unlikely you will read this because it was so long ago but to anyone who is reading this now.

The Rebbe said (paraphrasing please can you look it up on JEM Youtube) That don't dare justify why the Holocaust happened that's for only Hashem himself to explain and that no one should justify such terrible things such as the Holocaust because that is cruel to the victims
I sincerely hope that is clear Have a gooday/Night
Ed Note: Click on this link for the video and textual references to the above. Reply

Mary S Hachita, NM December 22, 2013

Not sure i agree With the lady. She is trying to humanize G-d, and intimates woman is better than man. Men do feel. I think maybe, her secular education is showing. So many sterotypes on her words. Reply

susana garmizo Hollywood FL June 9, 2013

the kabbalah of prayer The lecture was most interesting to me because I have learned that just loving and trusting G-D is the key to everything. Countless times I have spoken or prayed to hashem what I need. Somehow he always comes through usually right away. My prayers are not formal or in a synagogue. They just come from my heart with love and gratitude and complete trust. It is such a great gift to have such a close relationship with G-d Reply

rg EY February 5, 2013

you and your baby you pointed out that while at your class, you couldn't stop thinking about her, although form her perspective, you had left her perhaps forever. maybe this parable can also help us understand this also from our own perspective with G-d. Reply

hei Kajaani, Finland October 19, 2012

prayers i am so happy i can pray, that s all i have. Reply

Moshe Nigeria April 8, 2017
in response to hei:

I thank G-d, for making me to know that Torah is key for life. Reply

Irene McClure Glen Burnie, md usa March 28, 2012

Knowing that God hear nd answers us. When I cried out to God when our girls rebelled, while praying, God spoke to my heart, and said, "you have two daughters, I have billions that have rebelled against me'. He felt my pain and in time took it away, as He brought our girls back to us. Reply

Helen Pleasantville, NY August 31, 2010

This is my second time listening to this presentation, and as I sit here I am struck with something that I did not "see" the first time. Prayer is a heart connection with G-d. G-d feels and when we study Torah/Tanach we will discover time and time again emotive expressions of G-d. Torah/Tanach study is a connection of reason, which involves our minds.

When I think of the Shema I am instructed to love G-d with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength. I also realize that G-d took one (heart & mind), and made two (one with heart, one with mind), and then told the two to come back together to become one. Could it be that both heart & mind connection are needed to reflect G-d's fullness? Reply

Anonymous August 16, 2010

I found much of the discussed differences in gender stereotyped and rationalized. As a basic general rule, with many exceptions, my personal observations are that I find men to have greater empathy and women to have more sympathy. Some of the comments made about men in the video seemed naïve. Reply

Anonymous Pleasantville, NY July 27, 2010

Interesting Insights! As a woman. it is wonderful to be able to approach G-d from the feminine perspective. However, I also love to engage in deep Torah/Tanakh/
Tanya/Kabbalah study--approaching from the Upper World downward. It is so special to be able to connect to G-d from either perspective and know that I am loved and accepted. Reply

Rosalyn Santa Cruz, CA April 30, 2009

Good insight appreciated As a woman I appreciate the insight you have given me about the essentially different aspects of male and female perspectives from a spiritual perspective. This helps me to more appreciate my masculine and feminine sides within the context of a basically masculine controlled society and a feminine natural world. It hasn't always been easy to balance those different natures within myself.

"Don't take it to heart," which was advice my mother had given to me on how to deal with difficult people and painful situations, now has a new meaning from a spiritual perspective.

Furthermore, within that context as a female being, having the opportunity to express my deepest feelings to G-d and knowing that my form of prayer is acceptable, gives me solace.

Thank you. Reply

Anonymous San Francisco, Ca October 8, 2008

thank you great talk! thank you Reply

Melissa Fort Kent, ME October 5, 2008

Great Video Clip! That was just great, Chana. I especially appreciated the analogy of G-d and the human being as compared to you and your daughter when she was 6 months old and you had to leave for the first time. That spoke to me in a very deep way. Thank you for doing this video...you are doing important work, and I hope you will continue it. Reply

Host, Michael Chighel, talks to some of the world's greatest experts about the masterpiece of Hasidic thought, the book of Tanya.
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