Interviews and roundtable discussions
249 items in this section

In her teens, Tonica Marlow was accepted as the youngest student at a noted Christian theological college, and within a few years, she became an ordained minister. With all of her success within the church, she felt a deep void inside. Tonica Marlow, now Tova Mordechai, shares her extraordinary journey to becoming a Chassidic woman, currently living in Israel.

The Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast
Join us for an insightful conversation with Rabbi Dr. Yosef Shagalow, a Minneapolis-based psychologist with extensive experience in helping couples in distress, and a Chabad emissary in St. Louis, Minnesota. Rabbi Dr. Shagalow will share his valuable knowledge on approaching dating with a healthy perspective.

The Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast
Join us for an insightful conversation with Rabbi Dr. Yosef Shagalow, a Minneapolis-based psychologist with extensive experience in helping couples in distress, and an emissary of the Rebbe in St. Louis, Minnesota. In this episode, Rabbi Dr. Shagalow shares his valuable knowledge on love and marriage.

The Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast
Join us as we sit down with Rebbetzin Miriam Lipskier, the co-founder and co-director of the Chabad Student Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Miriam is passionate about inspiring genuine, happy, and healthy relationships. Hear her address some of the core themes, challenges, and ideas when it comes to meeting and choosing one's partner.

The Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast
Rabbi Dovid Vigler, director at Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens, brings years of experience guiding couples to a meaningful Jewish marriage. Rabbi Vigler is passionate about sharing the beauty and depth of Judaism in a clear and down-to-earth manner. Tune in as he shares profound wisdom busting the myths of what we think love should look like, what 'soulmates' really means, and the key to building lasting relationships.

Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 2
The Torah uses the metaphor that the Jewish people left Egypt "on eagles' wings" to emphasize the speed in which G-d took them out of Egypt. How important is a sense of urgency in our service of G-d? Guest Expert: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 2)

Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 9
On the ark, Noah lived in a utopian state of harmony with his family and all the animals on board—so much so that G‑d had to force him to leave after the Flood was over. What is the parallel in our own lives? Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 9)

Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 11
What is the proper interpretation of the U.S. Constitution's Establishment Clause of the First Amendment? Did the founding fathers intend on creating a strict "separation of church and state"? Guest Expert: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 11)

Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 18
Upon completing the building of the Sanctuary in the desert, everyone was able to behold G-d's presence with their physical eyes. When Moshiach comes, G-d will be seen everywhere by everyone. What does it mean to see G-d and why can't we see him all the time? Guest Expert: Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 18)

Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 21
The greatness of a perfectly righteous tzaddik is not fully evident while he is still alive and his students can behold his physical presence. It is only after the passing of such a leader that we can know what effect he had on those who follow his ways. Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 21)

Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 23
When there is discord between Jews, it is only because they fail to understand the true nature of their relationship with one another. When Jews understand that they are truly one, then all problems will automatically become resolved on their own. Guest Expert: Rivka Slonim. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 23)

With Cantor Joseph Malovany
The chazan plays a central role in the High Holiday services leading the congregation in prayer. As we prepare for Rosh Hashanah, renowned chazan, Joseph Malovany reflects on the special role of the cantor and his experience singing around the world to inspire the Jewish heart.

A panel discussion on how studying the foundational book of Chabad teachings has contributed tremendously in their personal spiritual development as Jews. Panelists: Mr. George Rohr, Professor Ran Kivetz, and Dr. Tzipi Glick; moderated by Mrs. Baila Olidort. (From an event celebrating the 19th of Kislev at Kehilath Jeshurun in Manhattan)

The fraught relationship between the Vilna Gaon and R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi
For 18th-century Jewry in Eastern Europe, the city of Vilna was the bastion of Torah scholarship and the center of Talmudic learning, while Mezheritch was the cradle of Chassidism and deep spirituality. The precedence and relevance of these two foci of Jewish life have been debated for close to 300 years.

Join the authors for a fascinating discussion on Jewish words that have been mistranslated and misunderstood for centuries, and probe the big ideas and core values embedded in their etymology. A panel discussion with the authors moderated by Rabbi Moshe Scheiner at the National Jewish Retreat in the summer of 2022.