
Ten Days of Repentance

Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 25

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Ten Days of Repentance: Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 25

What is the purpose of the Ten Days of Repentance? Is it a time of solemn introspection or a time of rejoicing? Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 25)
Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Joy; Happiness, Teshuvah, Ten Days of Repentance

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aron Brooklyn September 5, 2018

Over many years of trying to become "better", this is the best piece of advice i ever heard.
I never heard this from any of my rabbis in Yeshiva.
Thank you. Reply

Lillian Butler Denver September 14, 2016

Also Grateful: I too, appreciate your teachings Rabbi Friedman...I have been listening to your teachings for some time and have yet to thank you...thank you! I love listening to you. You are a gift to us all. Reply

Lillian Butler Denver September 14, 2016

Acknowledging This really is for us and knowing he is there through it all. Awe what a gift. Reply

Devorah Western NY July 14, 2016

I pray we all can remember this Elul... when I see my animal for what it was created as. Rosh Hashanah is my return to seeing my Lord as He is and that I was created perfectly imperfect to learn how to live my life for Hashem by loving Him by loving my neighbor more than myself. Life: to live to learn how to love for Love's sake alone. The Moon said there cannot be two kings! Diminish yourself said the Creator to the Moon! The Soul of the Letters... Sh'va - gevurah! Judgment does not have to end in punishment and can end in a action of giving a gift. Return to Hashem to be renewed so you may return to the world with a gift of giving yourself up to give to others as your Father has given you! Reply

rut USA October 5, 2014

ten Days Of Repentance I was able to understand better today, after listening to this video what true repentance means. Is thinking about the "other" person. Hurting the other person's feeling and how we make them miserable. I thought that if we hurt G-d's feeling by doing the things contrary to His commandments we hurt Him. Therefore, asking Him for forgiveness is repentance. Am I wrong? I thought that most of the sins humans commit are against G-d's commandments. Cheating on spouse, stealing, murder, slander, and the list goes on. Mostly idolatry. So when we think on changing our behavior, for the sake of Heaven, it is only thinking about ourselves. I was totally wrong. Was I? In other words, the worst sins are the one committed against our fellow humans. Therefore, if we do not repent, and ask these fellow humans we are still sinners? That is a mattter to meditate on for every human being, wether they are leaders or not... Reply

Akiva Virginia Beach, VA April 20, 2013

Graditude Rabbi Friedman, I wish to extend my appreciation for your teachings, as a convert my knowledge continues to improve with your assistance. I pray that G_d bless and watch over you and grant you peace and good health.


In each episode of this series, host, Michael Kigel, a panel of young students and a "special guest expert" discuss a clip of the Rebbe's public talks. Produced by Chabad of Toronto as "Messages -- Season 4."
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