
Why Is Dating So Complicated?

The Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast

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Why Is Dating So Complicated?: The Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast

Join us as we sit down with Rebbetzin Manya Lazeroff, co-director of the Rohr Chabad Jewish Center at Texas A&M University in College Station. Manya is the creator of the Sober Dating Workshop, and has helped countless individuals with their dating lives.
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Relationships, Marriage, Finding a Mate; Dating

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Gwendolynn Fort Myers May 17, 2024

Thank you for sharing this. Reply

D Around the way May 14, 2024

I'm seeing the adoption of western collective thought as the problem. For example, there is a submission/dominance complex, or a only willing to marry someone if they make over $150k even if the man can provide a comfortable life for a family.

I think you hit the nail on the head about Disney world, romantic movie idealistic version of love. There is no realistic effort or even acceptance of "love is a choice" over time. Lastly, this is the most important aspect, a lack of self-development and trust in HaShem as the foundation of marriage, family, and love. This is often expressed in the misunderstanding about the separation of genders in shul, instead of seeing it as an opportunity for a married couple to connect through HaShem is labeled as sexist. This is also seen with the chuppah.

It's about intention like you said but it's not something that is being valued with especially for long term. Ideas of sexism and "submission" kills marriages more than anything I have seen.
Also, self development and working on oneself is corrupted by social media/western trends.

There needs to be classes or online modules to shift paradigms that encompasses teachings from the Rebbe(s) to current rabbis and scholars.

If we truly want to revive our traditions, religion/way of life, and culture we all have to make it available by contributing and replacing the negative affects from encouraged assimilation, social media, toxic ideology about gender and s#x.

We also have to go back to having at least one parent at home even if that one parent is getting in touch with their own Judaism for the first time while teaching it to their children; this is actually a good thing as students make good teachers. Reply

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