
The Crown Jewel

Farbreng, Episode 12

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The Crown Jewel: Farbreng, Episode 12

A parable of an ill prince is given to explain the need to reveal the inner dimension of Torah, known as the Kabbalah, to make it accessible to the masses. (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 12)
Lubavitcher Rebbe, Kabbalah & Chassidism, Kabbalah, Chassidism

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Joshua Richardson TX December 17, 2015

How to practice Kabbalah Been a student of Kabbalah since I was a teenager. I am now in my 30s. I agree with the Rabbis that Kabbalah is not an Up There thing. It's a down here thing. The question is, how exactly do we practice Kabbalah and transform it from a concept of study, into something that is actually real? Mitzvahs? I do my best to make Mitzvahs anyway. How does one make Kabbalah real on one's everyday life? Reply

Anonymous toronto canada February 22, 2014

Thank you I have all the questions I struggled with answered with this video regarding kabbalah, what I don't understand is why so many faiths and groups such as the masons , also Wicca use kabbalah, even governments, for thousands of years is it possible this is why society is still unbalanced? Abuse of Kabbalah. Reply

Anonymous USA August 23, 2013

The Crown Jewel One thing I would like to understand in reference to the Parable of the King is: To me is that the life of the Prince is more important than the gem. The gem may have been the soul of the Kingdom, but the Kingdom without the Prince would not be able to continue. In other words; I would have crush the gem and give it to the Prince immediately to save his life. No gem could be more precious than life. G-d has given us everything, our life belongs to Him, everything we have is His. Sometimes we become fearful in this world when we come to a situation where our needs are not met. Maybe because we lose our job, or illness prevents us from fulfilling our needs. But it is a good thing to meditate in G-d Infinite compassion. Those who trust in Him will never lack anything. May He give us the strength everyday to succeed in our travails everyday, and wait patiently on His goodness. I need that faith in my life. I know that for certain. B''H Reply

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