
Can You See G-d?

Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 18

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Can You See G-d?: Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 18

Upon completing the building of the Sanctuary in the desert, everyone was able to behold G-d's presence with their physical eyes. When Moshiach comes, G-d will be seen everywhere by everyone. What does it mean to see G-d and why can't we see him all the time? Guest Expert: Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 18)
Physicality and Spirituality, Moshiach and the Future Redemption, Shemini, Tabernacle Dedication, G-d

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Shalom Lipovenko July 5, 2023

Hi thanks for the video! How is it possible to say that physicality is not a part of G-d Himself, when our Torah states that there is no other existence besides for G-d Himself? Reply

shnarkle Florida July 2, 2018

I see a parallel between the construction of the temple by Israel in order to receive God into their presence and the task to make ourselves receptive to receive God's presence into our lives as well so that after we have received God's presence into our lives, we too will then see these signs that indicate God's pleasure.

I really liked what Michael Chighel had to say about why God doesn't reveal himself to our eyes which I think also reveals a type of spiritual pornography that our more base inclinations are seeking. Reply

Gitty Eagle March 12, 2017

Why The eyes are the windows to the soul and through the eyes one express love, so why do u say the eyes are the enemy of intimacy? Reply

Anonymous ft lauderdale , fl April 19, 2012

Is seeming failure a sign that Hashem is unhappy w Based on what was said: "Hashem wanted the Jews to recognize his happiness with their work so He showed them a fiery cloud".

Rabbi Friedman mentioned that if Hashem is happy with a person's service of G-D then he will shown miraculous success. Does failure and even worse miraculous failure show that Hashem is unhappy with a person's direction? Reply

In each episode of this series, host, Michael Kigel, a panel of young students and a "special guest expert" discuss a clip of the Rebbe's public talks. Produced by Chabad of Toronto as "Messages -- Season 4."