Basi L’gani, the title of the last Chassidic discourse from the sixth Chabad Rebbe, is customarily studied on the tenth of Shevat, the day of his passing. (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 1)
The Torah’s axiom to love your friend as yourself, in essence means to love the other in accordance with their needs and wants—not merely what you want for yourself. (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 2)
Maimonides in his code refers to the section of laws related to the Holy Temple as the laws of the ‘Chosen Home’. What is the message hidden therein? (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 3)
The opening statement in the Ten Commandments is “I am the L-rd your G-d who took you out of Egypt.” Why does G-d introduce himself at Sinai as being the liberator from Egypt, instead of as the creator of heaven and earth? (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 4)
What provides us the fortitude and confidence to always overcome the evil inclination (yetzer hara) in our internal battles? (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 5)
A prerequisite to truly perceive Torah is humility. Most humble before all was Moses, who received the Torah from G-d Himself (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 8)
On Tuesday, the third day of creation, trees sprouted forth and produced fruit. This can serve as a metaphor that applies to children too. (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 9)
During summer, schools and yeshivahs may close for vacation, but Judaism and Torah study must never cease, as they are our very source of life and vitality. (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 11)
A parable of an ill prince is given to explain the need to reveal the inner dimension of Torah, known as the Kabbalah, to make it accessible to the masses. (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 12)
The Rebbe asks a leading halachic authority to ‘rule’ that Moshiach should come. What purpose is this ruling meant to serve? (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 15)
Upon concluding the study of Mishneh Torah, Maimonides’ code of Jewish law, we immediately start again from the very beginning, which implies a strong connection between the two bookends. (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 23)
Jewish identity is determined exclusively through being born to a Jewish mother. What is the rationale to this Torah law? (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 25)