
Upgrade Your Family Life

Tiny improvements that will make big changes

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Upgrade Your Family Life: Tiny improvements that will make big changes

In today’s day and age, we have become quite accustomed to upgrading our material standard of living. But what about upgrading our relationships with our family members? What are the “little improvements” that can make a world of difference for spouses, parents and children?
Dignity; Respect, Marriage, Parenting; Parenthood

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JDV May 17, 2020

This edified my entire evening. Wish I had a copy of your presentation to send to people -

and always appreciate your sense of humor! Reply

Anonymous Israel May 27, 2015

Brilliant, thank you for sharing Reply

Leigh Toronto March 13, 2013

thank you! This is EXACTLY what my husband and I needed to hear right now. It is truly besherit that we happened across your shiur. Thank you so much. Reply

Chaya Mushka Shapero Coral Springs, Fl March 12, 2012

Upgrading Thank you Rabbi Firedman. Ready to stop yelling from another room. Looking forward to more elegance. Wait until tomorow on criticizing? My husband and my students will be luckier.

Ready. And again, thank you. Reply

Orjiakor Eric Ofordile vienna, Austria March 7, 2012

interesting Me and my wife thank you. We promise ourselves not to forget the advice we learn from Rabbi Manis and a lot has change since then. Reply

Anonymous Lynchburg March 5, 2012

Upgrade Your Family Life! Well said, Rabbi Friedman! Reply

Rachel CA. March 2, 2012

I love the messages is good an inspiration lectures. Thank.Rabbi. Reply

Anonymous Baltimore, MD March 1, 2012

Beautiful wonderful!! Reply

Anonymous gan yoshiya, israel February 29, 2012

Thank you Thank you for a very inspiring lecture.
May we all be זוכים (merit) to big changes in our lives, Amen. Reply

Marilyn Maalick PROSTON, QLD. Australia February 27, 2012

Upgrade your family life What a beautiful and yet simple and normal way to conduct ourselves, it is just plain good manners. We are not Jewish, but these same things were taught to us as children, thank you for showing this video, it is refreshing to see these manners being talked about again. I especially love the part about borders referring to the fathers chair and who sat in it, so true!! Reply

Anonymous bro, sweden February 24, 2012

so nice The peacefullness in the messages of the rebbe the peacefullness in the tone of voice
and the humoristic examples of how life can be, and how to resolwe the problems
this is for me so nice so I can not even find
the words for the happiness the rebbe give to my heart, it can only be from G-d Reply

richard russell new york, ny February 23, 2012

this presentation brilliant! Reply

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