
Why I Need G-d in My Life

The way towards a happy and wholesome life

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Why I Need G-d in My Life: The way towards a happy and wholesome life

To be happy and fulfilled, our natural needs must be met. In this talk Rabbi Mendel Kaplan addresses our natural side on why a meaningful relationship with G-d is so necessary. (This pre-Rosh Hashanah lecture was recorded at the Chabad Romano Centre in Toronto, Canada)
Joy; Happiness, G-d and Man

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Rick Miller La Mesa October 9, 2016

Thank you, Rabbi You saved a life today. Someone so alone and empty going on seemed pointless. Your words pulled up a doomed soul and brought it back to Hashem and the yiddishkeit that will save it.

Rick Reply

Anonymous Oxnard.CA October 6, 2016

Thank you. All the best for you too. Reply

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