
How to Cope When Life Gets Really Challenging

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How to Cope When Life Gets Really Challenging

Dina Hurwitz shares the story of her life with her husband, the beloved Rabbi Yitzi, who was diagnosed with ALS as he turned 40 years old. This talk was filmed at a women’s event hosted by Chabad of Talbiya and Chabad of Baka in Jerusalem, Israel (2019).
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), Struggle, Challenge & Adversity

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Ari Barbalat Thornhill September 10, 2019

This lecture was incredible. I went through personal problems and have had the privilege to listen to this at the end of the difficult process.

I am trying hard to learn and internalize these lessons on my own. I am so grateful for Mrs. Hurwitz for sharing this wisdom with the rest of us. I am so appreciative, beyond words, to have stumbled across this lecture.

The experience coping with ALS as described here echoed with my experience coping with my dissertation to complete my doctorate. I have no doubt that Mrs. Hurwitz will continue to benefit others through her teachings.

Thank you! Reply

Brian Kirk Boynton Beach July 18, 2019

What a beautiful talk. I'm not Jewish but I'm sharing this. Blessings to you and your family. Reply

Jeanne Peltz Margate July 10, 2019

I cannot understand how so many people lack compassion - especially the wealthy. Those who offer food to the poor, are people who have suffered from hunger. In South Africa, there are innumerable homeless. How do these unfortunate survive the winters? I was unaware that a Jewish person could be homeless. Surely a Jewish organisation could assist this unfortunate person! Reply

Anonymous Austin July 10, 2019

I’m homeless and I’m still practicing more of my traditional beliefs. Reply

Julia Florida July 12, 2019
in response to Anonymous:

G-d Bless you. I will light a Shabbat candle and pray for you to find a lovely home very soon. Shabbat Shalom. Keep your faith - emunah - it will take you far in this world. Ömayn Reply