
Sadness, Sin, and Temptation

New psychology on the human condition

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Sadness, Sin, and Temptation: New psychology on the human condition

Where psychology has failed, and what is in store for the future. Addressing the challenge of human weakness and guilt, Rabbi Manis Friedman offers a fresh perspective based on the teachings of Tanya (chapter 27).
Action; Deed, Psychology & Behavior, Thought, Joy; Happiness, Temptation, Guilt, Sadness; Grief

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Aliza M. New Berlin, Wi via JewishTV Android May 25, 2023

I have read, listened and so much more but I really don't think that I have ever heard the right words that could change my life. You and HaShem changed my life for the better. Thank you.Chag Sameach Reply

Ezekiel The woodlands January 31, 2017

Excellent I like this Rabbi. Good teacher. Great message. Reply

Rabbi Shmary Brownstein For Chabad.org December 2, 2014

To Anonymous, Florida Our Torah teaches that G-d is the Creator of all people, and that therefore all people have value and a purpose in G-d's eyes. The Torah also says that there are seven universal principles (called the Seven Noahide Laws: www.chabad.org/1313) which G-d expects all humanity to adhere to, including the prohibition against bloodshed. We can and should respect and encourage that all people, Jew and non-Jew alike, serve G-d, as He desires that all people have a relationship with Him. At the same, if someone believes in killing in G-d's name, that is condemnable and not the kind of service He wants. Reply

Anonymous florida November 24, 2014

Regarding All serving ... I am listening to the words and hopefully the meaning.
What troubles me is, though I understand that Torah is the teaching that helps us serve, I understand that many people have been born into a different belief and when they serve, thru their belief, they justify killing all who see and experience other than them. So how can I accept their right to believe as they do, knowing that their agenda is to kill me for my belief?
I will continue to reflect on your talk and maybe there will be a spark that gives me insight. Kol Tuv and Todah for taking the time to share your understanding. Reply

Anonymous London May 11, 2014

"If you don't need anything you won't wake up". Hello Rabbi Manis Friedman, The comment "If you don't need anything you won't wake up", is a concept not agreed with by me. There is no choice in waking up, (or not). One does not wake up because one wants coffee, tea, or for any other reason, other than a supernatural force (G-d) choosing that we do so.

If someone is giving a lecture to the multitude, with no room for questioning, taking on board all that is conveyed, gives room for speculation, and/or being drawn into the beliefs of the lecturer; it is the lecturer's own belief system from his/her own perspective no matter what has been read, with occasional pearls of wisdom. Reply

Anonymous Amite, la May 1, 2014

This spoke to me so much. I had turned away from G-d for a long time. It was anger,and no other way to rid myself of it, that made me turn back. It was a horrible burden. Reply

Lisa Providence, RI January 23, 2014

Sadness, Sin and Temptation Humans ARE animals, but that doesn't mean we have to act "animalistic." Reply

Lana Taylor Melbourne, Australia January 23, 2014

Higher wisdom is being poured out B'H

Dear Rabbi Manis Friedman,

May you continue to be a vessel and channel for wisdom that is needed in this day and time. Kol Hakavod, Mazel Tov! Hatzlachah Lev Brachah. Reply

Sue Harwood England January 23, 2014

Dear Rabbi Friedman,
Thank you so much for your wonderful words of wisdom. You always answer my questions so completely. However, if you would allow, I would like to say that I think you may have over simplified the Christian ethic somewhat, in that the first question in the catechism is "Why did G-d make me ?" and the answer is "To love and serve Him".
Having said this, I must tell you that I truly love your lectures and everything you say is such an affirmation and comfort to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anonymous January 22, 2014

My Being Malfunctioninh i try to be, but i cannot be Reply

Kayo Kaneko Tokyo, Japan January 19, 2014

I understand if I can get rid of animal "self" and serve HaShem, it is so relieved, feel no pressure. Even when I think of my spouse, I can think he is Divinely mine, so I will make him happy for him and for HIM. However you talked about marriage. In the talk, you told us that our spouses are ours and that is why so lovable. In this context, "self" exists. How should I see it? Reply

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