
Becoming Attached

Becoming One with Your Spouse

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Becoming Attached: Becoming One with Your Spouse

Attachment Theory provides insights into different "attachment styles" of individuals and how couples can create and sustain closeness and intimacy.
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Shalom Bayit (Marital Harmony), Marriage

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Aurelio Brazil August 11, 2022

Hallo, I a made a mistake with the woman I'm attached by the soul. Now I want to fix it. Any clue of how?
Thank you! Reply

zeynep September 22, 2013

Marriage therapy? Rabbi Schonbuch, I find your perspective and approach to marriage and the emotions involved therein very clinical and frankly not Jewish enough. The only secure attachment for a Jew is his/her Secure Attachment to his/her Source. Help them thoroughly understand this Truth and guide and motivate them towards strengthening this One Attachment, everything else and much more will follow by extension. Reply

Scott Spiegler Brookline, MA May 31, 2011

Many Slices through the same pie Dear Rabbi, I agree that attachment styles are a valid and valuable perspective from which to view relationship function and dysfunction. However, I think it is a gross oversimplification to suggest that this 'slice through the pie' has sufficient explanatory power to understand the complex dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Reply

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