
Welcoming G-d in Sweden

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Welcoming G-d in Sweden

Leah Namdar relates her personal journey from her first recollections of meeting the Rebbe to becoming the Chabad emissary of Sweden to her court case fighting to educate her children with the belief of G-d. Her underlying message is that nobody is too small or incapable to add new light and bring G-dliness into our world.
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Religious Freedom, Sweden, Shelichut, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Michal A Moskow St Paul, MN, USA February 11, 2023

What a beautiful talk by Leah. As hers always are, both educationally and morally and religously. Having lived in Sweden for quite a few years, we were often guests at the Namdars' home and my daughter helped in a few of their camps. We miss them, and we miss Leah's gentle and strong words. And we mourn the constant harassment by the Jewish government over the establishment of a Jewish school and the necessary homeschooling to accompany it. The children are well educated, quadralingual, knowledgeable in secular and religious education. And also that the large menorah in a major Gothenburg city square was lighted for the last time quite a few years ago, an occasion we were present for during 16 years. I played videoed talks by the Rebbe for my university students; although largely nonreligious and not Jewish, they were touched and discussed the Rebbe's words. It was an effort at least for tolerance, and the students were open to it. I miss Leah and Chabad Sweden. Reply

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