
Rabbi Sacks on Jewish Pride

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Rabbi Sacks on Jewish Pride

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former chief rabbi of the British Empire, shares his experiences and vision pertaining to this important issue. (This talk is from the gala dinner of Chabad of Greenwich, Connecticut).
Jewishness; Jewish Identity, Jewish Pride

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Aaron Winnipeg May 1, 2015

Thank you Lord Rabbi Sacks Very inspiring speaker. Fascinating. I love the anecdotes. What a life he has led. Impressive also his knowledge of Torah as well as secular subjects.
A truly cultured man. Reply

Anonymous April 26, 2015

Title changed I see the title has been changed, from "The Problem with Jewish Pride" to "Rabbi Sacks on Jewish Pride." That's reasonable, although it may make some of the preceding comments hard to understand.

Was the original title chosen by Rabbi Sacks, or an editor at chabad.org? Reply

David Chester Petach Tikva, Israel April 23, 2015

Cathy, it is inevitable that somebody would quote this idea out of its full context.

What Rabbi Sacks is actually saying is that we Jews are subject to double-think. We are both proud of our past but apprehensive too about our doubtful position today in this lawbreaking world. Pride is supposed to come before a fall, but humbleness cannot earn us respect. Therefore be proud. Reply

Dew Lambert April 23, 2015

Thank you Rabbi Sacks! An amazing job! Reply

Norman F Birnberg CO April 23, 2015

Jewih Pride Jews have reasons to be proud: of the faith, their perseverance and of witnessing the miracle of Israel's rebirth in its land, whose birthday we celebrate today.

I see no reason to apologize - and like the HaRav, my view of Zionism (and I am a Zionist) comes through in religious terms: Israel is blessed by G-d and has so much more to do! There is no end yet to Jewish history. Reply

Cathy Dyer Raleigh, NC April 23, 2015

What the what? With all due respect, you have been in England too long Lord Sacks. I am shocked that your speech started by saying "we" are embarrassed to be Jews and that "we" have ambivalence about being Jews. Perhaps that is the reality for Jews on your small island, but "we" do not agree! Reply

David Chester Petach Tikva, Israel April 23, 2015

What My Father Said Thank you very much Rabbi Sacks.

My father did not encourage me to wear a yamulka nor that we exhibit signs of being Jewish, but he did tell me that I was different from the other children in our war-time Christian school. And somehow the effect of this this lasted, so now I find myself living in Israel, for the last 50 years. Reply

David Nachenberg (Rap Daddy D) Modi'in, Israel April 23, 2015

Rabbi Sacks: Jewish Pride Said I'm Rap Daddy D and I'm not gonna hide
That Rabbi Sacks spoke about Jewish pride.
He's a great speaker--he's "the man."
He said it like it is, because he can.
If y'all are gonna inquire,
His great words do inspire.
That's all I'll say because I'm through,
So be very proud that you are a Jew.
Now in closing, I'm gonna shout:
Yo--word up, and peace out! Reply

Andrea April 23, 2015

Great talk. Not so great title. Reply

Anonymous April 21, 2015

re: Anonymous So, like I said, "the problem was that the pride wasn't consistent enough." Reply

David Margolis Los Angeles April 21, 2015

"Problem" Maybe what Rav Sacks means by "problem" is like the term is used in mathematics. It is something to figure out like a challenge. That is consistent with the content of some of what the Rav is saying. It is a brilliant and positive message. Reply

Anonymous April 20, 2015

Anonymous Right, so the "problem" the video was addressing was the lack of pride (that the pride was not consistent enough).

That was not quite the point I was expecting from the title, considering the nature of the site (it's about being pleasing and in right standing with G-d).

I guess I expected the video to be a rebuke to people who were trusting, and boasting, that their mere Jewishness was a solid basis for them being in right standing with G-d (because G-d detests haughty eyes [Pr 6:17], knows the proud from far [Ps 119:21], but dwells with the humble [Is 57:15]). Reply

Anonymous April 20, 2015

The "problem" discussed is that many Jews lack Jewish pride.

A couple of quotes used in the presentation:

"And I shall speak of Your testimonies in the presence of kings, and I shall not be ashamed."
Psalms 119:46

"Non-Jews respect Jews who respect Judaism. Non-Jews are embarrassed by Jews who are embarrassed by Judaism."
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, "A Judaism Engaged with the World", June 2013 Reply

Steve Wesson Coventry April 20, 2015

Bravo! Rabbi Sacks. Have to listen to you again.SHALOM Reply

Anonymous April 20, 2015

"Problem" With Jewish Pride? Which part explained the "problem" with Jewish pride?

Did that just mean that it was not consistent enough? Reply

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