
Finding Meaning in Our Everyday Lives

An Inspirational Talk

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Finding Meaning in Our Everyday Lives: An Inspirational Talk

Insights and inspiration on how to find deeper meaning in our everyday existence.
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Inspiration, King David, Elisha and the Cruse of Oil, Purpose, Mission in Life, A Person's

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Emil Vilno October 15, 2020

Dear Chana, you spoke about Soviet Russia, and did not specify it at all. You create a bad image for Russia and Russians in general. Somehow this is not fair in my opinion. Reply

Lee Toronto July 4, 2017

The youthfulness and beauty of this woman belies her wisdom. Reply

Aseret Cassanova Naples Fl February 27, 2015

Thank you.for continue infusing to our society the strength to be respected. Quote: Finding our roots of our roots find us.
This story is a beautiful ancestry teaching thank you for posting it.
Please feel free to contact anytime. Reply

Randy Philippines June 11, 2014

Thank you Ms. Weisberg, amazing story and beautiful talk. I am Christian but I believe Israel is the Apple of God's eye. I love Israel and I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Please allow me to share your message to my fellow brethren. Thank you so much and may God bless you more and bring encouragement to many discourage people this present time. Reply

Gavriel Auckland, New Zealand February 14, 2013

Chana, toda, i really enjoyed this talk so much so it brought tears to my eyes.
Shalom u'vrachot Reply

Yael Sucher Manalapan, N.J. February 15, 2012

Mrs Weissberg's Speech I am in awe of Mrs. Weissberg. Not only is she a beautiful woman to look at, she has so much substance and spirituality, something I find so rare in human beings in general. She has the talent to make anybody more hopeful about life--inspite of all the trials and tribulations we all have to endure. Hashem has blessed her personally and chose her to infuse strength in others. I am so happy that I was able to listen to her speech. Reply

Anonymous melbourne, australia February 13, 2012

Finding meaning... Thank you for that beautiful and inspirational talk. I found myself tearing up during those touching stories you told with such sincerity. It's not always easy to find meaning in our every day physical lives....i will think of your stories and points when the going gets tough and draw strength and meaning. Reply

Anonymous Mesa, Arizona, USA February 10, 2012

Finding Meaning in Our Everyday Lives Dear Chana Weisberg,
Thank you so much for this wonderful inspirational talk. I found myself crying with the story of the priest. Because like him I found out about my ancestry at 62 yrs of age. Today I am 64. I realized that all my life my soul was looking forward to this revelation. And it was Hashem, Himself, blessed be He, who brought me to it. Finding out that I am a Jewess. I am not turning back no matter if the whole world rejects me. I felt an outcast all my life. Today, as the prophesy of a Jewish man gave me before I came to Arizona, that I would find out who I was soon. That was 4 years ago. The only reason why I cry is because I am alone. My friends and families are not close to me. But Hashem is with me. As you mentioned, that wherever we are it is only with a purpose. Here in this desert, isolated from those I love, Hashem is with me and His Will is my will. Blessed be he. Thank you for all your teachings. Reply