
The Science of Shabbat

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The Science of Shabbat

Observing Shabbat offers powerful benefits even on a very pragmatic level. Addressing a visiting group of young adults, Rabbi Lipskar from The Shul of Bal Harbour shares the significance of Shabbat and Jewish identity for a contemporary Jew.
Torah & Science, Shabbat

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Moshe Silberman Miami, Fl September 25, 2014

I am a former student of Rabbi Lipskar from the early 70's. It's been a long time, and on this Rosh Hashanah, I came across this video clip and enjoyed listening to his modern analogies after so many years.

L'Shana Tovah! Reply

Rachel Colorado January 22, 2014

Impressed. I am so very impressed with Rabbi Sholom B. Lipskar and profoundly moved. I wish I could hear him every single day of my life.

Blessing, Rabbi. Reply

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