
The Challenges of Today's Youth

An honest look at overcoming the unique challenges of today's youth

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The Challenges of Today's Youth: An honest look at overcoming the unique challenges of today's youth

Rabbi Chay Amar takes an honest look at overcoming the unique challenges of today's youth, particularly on college campuses.
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Chabad House, Loneliness; Isolation, Youth

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Odeliah Shmuelov Tel-Aviv, Israel January 10, 2011

Rav Chay, you Are the LIGHT!!! I want to tell you that the burning flame of inspiration and fiery love that you ignite in my soul and every soul that is honored to be in your presence makes my soul want to leave my body. You have a way of entering the holy of holies of every human heart. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Thank you for being you! Thank you for fulfilling the precious mission G-d and the Rebbe have placed you on to the fullest. May all of your efforts be blessed and may you continue to shine on and bring the heart of Judaism to all of G-d's children. Reply

Doc Albany, OR November 29, 2010

My Son My son and I only have contact through the internet, and we watch things like this every night. Reply

groovy hoovy sunny isles beach, fl September 28, 2010

sefer hapanim (part 2) these social media sites online for chatting help individuals to connect from across the globe. i recently received an email from a Jew in Israel and he found me on youtube. you never know what it could lead to. shidduchim that may not have been possible can now happen thanks to these possibilities--the world has become a village.

yes, people are lonely, but what i am proposing is that these online communities (come-unity) are not not only forming out of loneliness, but rather from the innate (G-dly) desire to LOVE and to BE KNOWN. to reach out and touch someone in unknown potentially live-changing ways!

the youth are looking for connection & we are not finding it in our shuls. we are looking for the warmth you speak of, and sadly since we don't find it live in person, we are turning online. where else can we go to connect with like-minded individuals?

but something is missing. there's a void, an existential emptiness that makes us search for acceptance, love, connection Reply

groovy hoovy sunny isles beach, fl September 28, 2010

sefer hapanim actually, i think facebook is very spiritual. if you think of it, there are many parallels with creation...

before G-d created the world and humans, there was only G-d, only love. in hebrew, love, ahava, has the root hav, to give. since G-d is love, He desired to have something other than Himself to bestow His love upon, so He created a void (womb) and wala: Creation: the world, man. now His desire to GIVE could be fulfilled for He now had someone to GIVE (love) to! us, His beloved. one may also say this desire to give is a desire to be KNOWN. when there is no one else in the universe but G-d, He had no one to share Himself with. no one could know Him because there was no one else.

i, for example, share on FB & youtube for those same spiritual reasons: sharing is caring. you never know how your posts can help another person. a lady in JAPAN contacted me, for example, and told me how much my videos helped her. and that's what i believe mankind is here for: to help Reply

Cma... September 28, 2010

Amazing lecture!!!!! Extremely inspiring Reply

Anonymous September 19, 2010

Thank you Rabbi Amar Thank you for this inspirational lecture Rabbi, yashar koach! Reply

Moshe Posner, M.D. Fresno, CA September 7, 2010

The Challanges of Today's Youth In reference to Richard Ruff's reaction:
"When my children are born, I would be honored to have this Rabbi to help teach them."

...both they and you would be most honored if you teach them. Reply

Catherine NY, NY September 7, 2010

Whenever I tried to reach a teen or youth to open up to me, it took honesty and appreciation of that person as an individual, unconditional love is always part of this effort. This rabbi hit it on the head. Very Good and inspiring. Reply

Richard Raff September 6, 2010

The Challenges of Today's Youth Great inspirational talk i can tell you this A-men. When my children are born i would be honored to have this Rabbi to help teach them. Reply

JOHN S OZARK, ALABAMA September 6, 2010

The Challenges of Today's Youth very GOOD. Reply

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