
The Rebbe’s Example

Personal reflections on the Rebbe’s approach to leadership

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The Rebbe's Example: Personal reflections on the Rebbe’s approach to leadership

Joseph Telushkin reflects on what we can all learn and apply in our own lives from various stories about the Rebbe’s unique approach to leadership.
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Leadership, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Israel Teitelbaum Morristown, NJ June 16, 2014

Thank you for this talk, which is most inspiring, and your new book The Rebbe, the most inspiring work I've ever read. Undoubtedly, this will activate countless individuals to enrich their lives, and that of all within their sphere of influence, to bring goodness, brotherhood and justice to all of mankind. Reply

Anonymous Birmingham, "Alabama January 23, 2014

Amazing talk Rabbi Telushkin, thank you for an incredible talk about the Rebbe. It is one of the best I have ever heard. Very practicall!!!! I teach at our local Jewish Day School. The lessons you highlighted about the Rebbe's leadership apply to teachers as well. Your stories are so on target. Ashreinu!!! How fortunate we are!!! Reply

Dave in Nashville November 17, 2010

The Rebbe's Example Excellent presentation about a very, very unique person. Every time I meet and get to know a Shaliach of the Rebbe, I see those same leadership and character qualities you describe. They and their wives are all very special individuals! Reply

Judith Helene Long Island, N.Y. via jewishtob.org November 7, 2010

Your message Nov. 7 2010 I am new to Chabad, and yet it feels like its been part of my heart since birth. Thank you for your lesson as it brought forth more love and caring I have for G-d,and people too. I want to be a better Jew, and a better person. Thank you Reply

Anonymous November 4, 2010

The Rebbe's Example Rabbi Joseph Telushkin you are a great example of what the Rebbe meant about being a good example and understanding the bad examples. May G-d bless you with all the light you can handle. Reply

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