
Maimonides and Moshiach

A Vision of a Perfect World

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Maimonides and Moshiach: A Vision of a Perfect World

At the conclusion of his magnum opus, Mishneh Torah, Maimonides describes the world as it will be after the coming of Moshiach by saying "the sole occupation of the whole world will be to know G-d." What kind of reality does this describe? Is it something we can envision now?
Mishneh Torah (Rambam), Moshiach and the Future Redemption

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Judith Olam Hazeh January 4, 2013

Thank you Rabbi Schochet, a beautiful vision of the future and puts into perspective the difficulties of today and the past. I will forward to my friends. Sincerely, from a baala tshuvah Reply

Baila Steinberg January 3, 2013

Great Wisdom I hope we will be seeing many more videos of Rabbi Dovid Schochet amush,
to capture and avail ourselves of his great wisdom, clarity and direction, especially for those of us who are not in his locale. A great and gentle Rov who models tremendous Ahavat Yisroel and Chesed, and from whom we can learn much. Reply