
Who Needs a Temple?

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Who Needs a Temple?

Why building a Temple on the Temple Mount is by necessity the first stage in making the world a G-dly place. (A Tisha B'Av study, based on the Rebbe's discourse Gadol Yihyeh K'vod Habayis Hazeh, 5722.)
Who Needs a Temple  
Knowledge of G-d, Moshiach and the Future Redemption, Holy Temple, Godliness

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Benny Gurvich Playa Del Carmen July 27, 2023

Thank you Reply

Aviva Cohen Jerusalem July 26, 2023

I found your class so special.
You teach with all your heart, so it enters our soul. Reply

Daniele Brazil July 21, 2020

Great teaching. A simple and wonderful way to view the role of The Holy Temple. Thank you Rabbi. Reply

Anonymous May 20, 2019

If a third Temple is built on the Temple Mount with human hands (it already has begun with the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by USA on 6 Dec 2017) - it will cause agitation, attacks, perhaps war will follow until it is brought down.
Already Jews are being slaughtered in synagogues.
A Third temple is supposed to come down out of heaven from God.
Why not just let God continue to build His roofless Temple of Divine Wind, including on the Temple Mount, and make us of the whole world a Godly place?
Who needs strife? Who needs to make the same mistakes of the past?
Who needs an exclusive Temple of stone on the Temple Mount? Reply

gene Hot Springs May 4, 2016

could it be? So if we build the temple will they come? And do we need Mashiach to build the temple? Who will be the artist for beautifying the temple elements?
Wonderful! As tools we are forgotten and the whole of building is being accomplished nearly without activity! a place of all elements of the "being"
thank you Rabbi Reply

Anonymous USA July 23, 2013

Who Needs A Temple Thank you Rabbi Freeman for such wonderful explanation of the meaning of the Temple. I see your vision very clearly. We will all know G-d when the Temple is built. In reality it is what its represents. G-d Presence will fill the Temple, and also our whole being. We will be able to vision Him so clearly. His beauty, His love, and His essence. We will be like new creatures, with the pleasantness of His beauty. Wonderful teaching!Baruch Hashme. Reply

katrin Germany May 26, 2013

How there won't be any vegetarians protesting against animal sacrifices in front of the third Temple I don't know, but everyone will live peacefully with one another when Moshiach comes. Reply

Anonymous July 27, 2012

COOL Great lecture. Looking at Tishu Bav in a positive manner is different. Listening to an hour lecture is different. I loved the introduction's acknowledgement of your skills.

I enjoyed the master artist analogy.

I can understand your talk about knowing the notes intricately so that the musician can enjoy the music he makes and not worry about notes. There are exceptions to the rule. Lenny Breau. Electric guitar jazz and hailed by most guitar greats as the best of his generation. There is a short biography written about him.

Another point that might appeal to you more is a new book by Eric Kandel. Kandel is Jewish and must be 80 years old at least and has all his marbles. He is the foremost authority on neuroscience. He has written the book from the perspective how art and science are brain interrelated. Kandel was born in Vienna and his book describes the period of 1890 - 1910 when Vienna was home to all the best minds. You can check it on the web if interested.

Yahser koach. Reply

Becky Pittsburgh, PA July 26, 2012

Who needs a Temple? Thank you, Rabbi Tzvi! The lecture left me filled with wonder. Reply

Mr. Douglas Hall September 7, 2011

More on reality. My understanding is that a shul, a synagogue, with a Rabbi and the Cantor sort of has replaced the Second Temple as being a House of G-d. So there can be many Third Temples on Earth so to speak.
So then most Rabbis kind of like it the way things are now. Every Rabbi with a shul is like a High Priest and the more the merrier.

On the other hand if a Third Temple was built on a razed Temple Mount clear of Islamic structures to fulfill the 613 Mitvzvahs then what about all the laws of the Torah. Would slavery and polygamy be allowed again in Eretz Israel? Why not. They are not necessarily bad but can be good things.

Also which comes first the Moshiach and then he builds the Third Temple. Or the Third Temple gets built first after the Temple Mounts gets cleared of Muslim buildings and then the Moschiach will arrive to bring back the Jews all to Israel.

My opinion is that the Third Temple can be rebuilt on a cleared Temple Mount which will then bring about the Messiah and laws. Reply

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman September 6, 2011

Re: Reality Let's say it was 1990 and I told you that by the beginning of next year the Communist Party of the USSR would dissolve itself. Your response? Reality or fantasy?

I have no clue what happens with the Al Aqsa or any of the Temple Mount. I'm not a prophet. Maimonides himself wrote that it's a waste of time to think into these things since, "no one will know until it happens." Better to spend your time making it happen--meaning building that Temple first in your own life and in your own community. You do your part, and let G-d do His. Reply

Mr. Douglas Hall September 5, 2011

Reality. So what about the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque? Does the Dome of the Rock get removed or destroyed? Or is the Third Temple a fantasy? I would like to hear more reality based stories about the Third Temple. Reply

Hany MTL, Ca August 11, 2011

The Old New Temple The House of Eternity must celebrate a new aeon esthablished. Celebrating equally the Divine Feminine ( The Liberated Woman ) The End of partriarchy and so on and so forth...along with the Traditions and the New Truth(s) found in Mysticism. Chaos and Order Finite and Infinte...and so on and so forth. But I m just speculating I guess Elders much more learned know it more and also. Celebrating the Child !
Just my opinion oversimplified ( Please post my comment regardless of personal opinion ) Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn, NY August 9, 2011

lecture really eye-opening,explained a lot. Reply

Ruth Reich Reseda, CA/USA via chabadofwesthills.com August 9, 2011

Rabbi Freeman's Shiur Your shiur on why we should have a Temple is so amazing, insightful and inspiring. I was looking for a place I can go to a class once a week. I think G-d sent me an answer. I can go to the West Hills site in California to find all kinds of classes in my own home.

I am busy working so I can watch the classes early in the morning or late at night. Now I can learn as often as I want. Reply

Alethea Loree Margate, FL August 9, 2011

The Temple I think what we are all searching for is what is found in Ezekiel. It was round about eighteen thousand measures: and the name of the city from that day shall be, The L-rd is there.
Thank you, I really enjoyed your talk on Who Needs a Temple. Reply

Mr. Richard Raff August 8, 2011

Who Needs a Temple? The Holy Temple is of G-d's will and direction. But why create human beings if not to serve G-d in this process? The Temple will be brought about in the same way we bring our children and our families into this world. Rabbi Freeman is not just a Jew he is the part of the family of G-d. Whatever Rabbi Freeman said tonight was by the will of G-d. Everyone has a job in this world and our job as Jews is make this world a suitable place for the house of G-d. i hope that Rabbi Freeman will merit good health and a long life and may his family bring about shalom wherever they are. Reply