
Why Does G-d Test Us?

Overcoming Challenge

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Why Does G-d Test Us?: Overcoming Challenge

How to exercise "mind over matter" in facing life's challenges. Also, the ritual hand washing is used as a model for striking balance between intellect and emotion.
Netilat Yadayim, Sechel & Middot, Nisayon

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Anonymous August 10, 2020

You said at some point that everyone struggles to get what they really want? But there are those who get married young and have kids right away- no struggles and others who date for years and cant seem to find the right one. There are also those who struggle with infertility. Why do some people struggle so much while others dont?
Also, struggles are supposed to make you better but what if it's so difficult that it makes you a worse person. What if you seriously cant get passed it. Reply

Anonymous December 6, 2014

Change of view I can not thank you enough Rabbi! Im being tested right now in my life and this gave me motivation and joy! Being only 23 i feel sometimes I am warn down from life even at such a young age but I changed my view on my struggles, peeled back the bitter orange peel, and even did some dancing! Reply

Anonymous July 12, 2011

Why does G-d test? I have been challenged and or tested every day of my life. Sometimes, I win. Sometimes I lose. But I learn along the way.

Thank you Rabbi Amar, because one of the greatest challenges I had to date, was, to let go of children who were caustic to me, but I learned to go onto other challenges and make a difference in the lives of others. I did some of my best criminal work then, for the glory of Hashem, and His great credit, while negating myself of award or reward. I could not have done this if living under the caustic actions of my children which were unwarranted. I separated from them without drama, without cruel words to top their cruelty and without hatred against them.

I simply let go and went onto accomplish greatness in my own right and for the right reasons. Going out of myself to help others is one of the greatest mitzvah's I could do, with empathy and love for others in His Holy Name. I am in it for the chochma from the Great One - best gift I could receive! Reply

Mr. John Hiers July 1, 2011

Thank you so much I have been tested alot lately, and this has helped me to pick up my head and hold it high. Reply

Mariah Ataliyah Mulenga Lusaka, Zambia June 30, 2011

Thank you Rabbi Thank you Rabbi, I learn new things from this site every day. Reply

Mary Ann Fremont , Ca June 25, 2011

Why Does G-d Test Us? Thank you Rabbi for sharing your excellent thoughts. I really like your jokes which makes your sermon lively. Reply

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