50:18 Webinar: Rabbeinu Bachaye's Seven Keys to Serenity The seven divine qualities that make total trust possible By Tzvi Freeman Part of a series exploring classic Jewish texts that promise peace, calm and optimism. Watch
1:00:01 Webinar: The Power of Trust to Change the Past A deep exploration of a puzzling Talmudic anecdote about trust By Tzvi Freeman Unraveling a Talmudic story of Hillel and probing the layers of essential good in each moment. Watch
1:10:39 Living in the Good of Every Moment A webinar exploring a powerful letter from R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi on higher consciousness. By Tzvi Freeman A webinar exploring a powerful letter from R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi on higher consciousness. Watch
1:25:04 Originality in Torah By Tzvi Freeman How creative can we get with divine wisdom and still call it that? Watch
42:15 Strategies for Steering Your Mind We all want to think positive. Here are some techniques to do it. Watch
44:34 Do You Have to Believe in G-d in Order to Pray? By Tzvi Freeman Many people want to talk to G-d these days. What if you’re not sure He exists? Watch
51:28 Seeing the Divine Image in Each Human Being By Tzvi Freeman Suddenly, people are talking about the sanctity of life. What does that mean? Watch