
Studies in the Passover Haggadah

Learn classic commentaries on the Pesach Seder

Topics discussed: The name ‘Passover’ versus the ‘Holiday of Matzot’. The name Haggadah. The Seder plate, the placement of items on the plate and their kabbalistic connection. The three Matzot.
Topics discussed: The six items on the Seder plate, and the plate itself and their significance. The order of the Seder. The fifteen steps. The significance of the egg. Why wine and why is red wine preferable. Reasons for the four cups of wine.
Topics discussed: Description of Kiddush. Urchatz—washing of the hands without a blessing. Karpas—dipping the vegetable in salt water. Yachatz—breaking the middle matzah, hiding the Afikomin. Maggid—the story begins with "this is the bread of affliction."
Topics discussed: The name ‘Passover’ versus the ‘Holiday of Matzot’. The name Haggadah. The Seder plate, the placement of items on the plate and their kabbalistic connection. The three matzot.
Topics discussed: Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah. The paragraph that introduces the four sons. The wise son, the evil son, and the simple son.
Topics discussed: The fourth son, the one who doesn't ask. When is the time to discuss the going out of Egypt? Continues with, “at first our forefathers were idol worshipers”. Finishes with the paragraph, “blessed is He who keeps His promise to Israel”.
Topics discussed: Begins with paragraph "V'hi Sh’amdah". Telling us that without Hashem;s assistance we would not be able to survive. Continues with Lavan and his evil intentions. Continues with the statement "An Aramean attempted to destroy my father”. Then “he descended to Egypt and sojourned there, with few people; and there he became a nation—great, mighty, and numerous." The Haggadah goes on to explain what this statement means.
Topics discussed: “The Egyptians did evil to us...They afflicted us...They imposed hard labor upon us...We cried out to Hashem, the G-d of our fathers...Hashem heard our cry...And He saw our affliction...Our burden...Our oppression...Hashem took us out of Egypt…With a mighty hand...With an outstretched arm.”
Topics discussed: “With great awe...With signs...With wonders...Blood, fire, and columns of smoke...The ten plagues...Blood, Frogs, Lice, Wild animals, Pestilence, and Boils.”
Topics discussed: The last four plagues: Hail, Locusts, Darkness, and Plague of the Firstborn. D'Tzach, Adash, and B'Achab. "Rabbi Yosi the Galilean said... Rabbi Eliezer said...Rabbi Akiva said…" Introduction to the Dayeinu.
Topics discussed: "Rabban Gamliel says one must explain three things on Passover to fulfill his obligation: they are Pesach, Matzah, and Maror…" "In every generation it is one's duty to regard himself…" "Therefore it is our duty…" The first two psalms of the Hallel. (The Egyptian Hallel).
Topics discussed: We say a blessing before the second cup of wine. We drink the second cup of wine. Wash our hands and make the blessing. Make the blessing Hamotzi and then the blessing over the Matzah. Next we dip the Maror into the Charoses and we make the blessing. Then in remembrance we follow the custom of Hillel and we make a sandwich of Matzah and Maror dipped in Charoses which we shake off. Then we eat our meal. After the meal, we eat the Afikoman. We pour the third cup and we say the Grace after the meal.
Topics discussed: Pour the fourth cup and open the door for Elijah the Prophet. “Pour your wrath upon the nations...” the second part of Hallel Psalms 115-118. The Great Hallel Psalm 136....”The soul of every living being shall bless Your Name...” through “May your Name be praised forever.“ Drink the fourth cup. After-blessing for drinking wine. Nirtzah, The seder is now concluded......NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM.
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