
Kabbalah on the Afterlife

The Jewish Take on Body, Soul and Resurrection

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Kabbalah on the Afterlife: The Jewish Take on Body, Soul and Resurrection

In the beginning of time, G-d blows a soul into a body of clay and thus creates man. So, too, will it be at the end of time. Join Rabbi Kaplan as he expounds upon this wondrous fusion of body and soul.
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Resurrection of the Dead, Creation, Four Kingdoms, Body & Soul

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l CHARLESTON August 29, 2022

excellent speaker and talk Reply

Alexandr Haifa, IL December 22, 2021

So far, I have only listened to the point when God blows a soul into Adam, and could not help but stop. Doesn't Kabbalah, or Zohar in particular, go too far with anthropomorphism, when they teach that G-d made an effort, or you could even say, He was exhausted from blowing? Reply

Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Thornhill, Ontario January 20, 2015

response to #12 Ben Yehudah's dictionary is for modern Hebrew (Ivrit) which is a different language despite their commonalities. There are dozens of easy examples for this, and his Definition has no bearing on the Chumash or this class. As far as Rashi is concerned, please see his commentary with regard to the Mishkan – bottom line your assumption is simply incorrect. Sorry :) Reply

Anonymous North Miami Beach January 20, 2015

Adam's rib. Sorry, but according to Beb Yehuda's dictionary, and Rashi, "tzelah" is a rib! Reply

Rabbi Jon USA November 14, 2020
in response to Anonymous:

Actually The Torah says Adam was severed or split. That one of his sides was taken. Not a rib. Focus and pray more for understanding when studing the Torah. Reply

Yochanan Ferrari Brazil December 9, 2013

Jewish People Jewish people believe in God, and their faith (emunah) is complete, not only a belief that He exists, but that He constantly relates to His creatures and creation, which relationship occurs based on the attributes of mercy and severity, as to how we, created beings, perceive His deeds. Reply

Bill Kelley Tifton, Georgia,USA July 23, 2010

Wow, finally I am a 71 year old active Christian who has since a little child done as Rabbi Kaplan has said, I have been filled with ripple of joy surging through me when ever I saw something Jewish. This web site will greatly increase my ability to learn even more about our Creator's world and about the people He says are the apple of His eyes. I have been to Dachu and to Jerusalem and area around it just before the 6 Day War. Our speaker also is filled with the spirit and is alive with passion for our Creator. May I ask him to consider that when G_d made Adam to begin with that He put a first breath of life into him just like all of the other creation. But with Man, G_d breathed the second Breath of Real Life into Adam. Re his rib comment, I agree fully. G_d took half out of him and that included attributes. We quip, "Meet my other half" when we should realize it to mean, "Meet the other Spiritual half of me that G_d selected to give to me." LaChaim. Reply

Anonymous los angeles, ca May 4, 2010

Afterlife This was an interesting lecture but improperly titled "Kabbalah on the Afterlife." Although the Rabbi introduces some nice Kabbalistic ideas, he really didn't speak much about the afterlife. I wish that he would have. Reply

Anonymous NPR, FL March 11, 2010

The human soul This was a wonderful class to listen to. I have to argue that the claim that animals domestic and wild did not die in the tsunami is not true, since a few did but perhaps they were too ill or old to get away from the water when it came. But it's true that they knew. This is well documented and based in fact. I wonder if they will know when the moshiach comes before we know. <G> Reply

Richard Raff March 10, 2010

I got there late sorry I had went through the whole lecture tonight. It was even better than the first. Rabbi Kaplan should a have a nickname like "The reality Rabbi." This is why it so great to be G-d's creation, to have the ability to find such knowledge right under our noses. Reply

Alberto Surrey, Canada March 10, 2010

Evolution Maria, thanks for your comments. I am not jewish, and I assumed they all believe in evolution, which I am inclined to accept. I also wanted to know about their views on reencarnation and life after death, but I have not been able to watch the video presented in this website yet.
Regards Reply

Anonymous Miami, FL March 10, 2010

Great Class. Super. Thank you! Reply

Maria Callas Los Angeles, CA March 10, 2010

Evolution: Note to Alberto of Surrey Most Jews do indeed believe in evolution. That, and many other reasons is why Judaism experienced a reformation in the 1800's, into a movement called "Reform Judaism". Conservative and most modern Orthodox Jews probably do as well. Secularly educated Orthodox Jews possibly do too. But Hasidic Jews simply can't wrap their heads around it. Hence, you'll never see dinosaur toys, books or images amongst their kids' possessions.

As pedestrian, unenlightened and provincial or frankly shocking as that sounds, Chabad Hasidim still do have a lot of other good to offer, that others in the world simply aren't bothering with these days.

Any of them would be happy to argue evolution vs. creationism with their constituents, I'm sure. You won't so much find that in other sects of Hasidism. After all is said and done, my basic credo with these folks (and the vast education about my culture they're all too generous to impart) is: "take what you want and leave the rest". Reply

hindy philly March 9, 2010

Thank you Thank you i really enjoyed this class Reply

Anonymous Los Angeles, CA March 9, 2010

Wow! He's on fire! I wish we had Rabbis this talented in L.A.! Reply

Alberto Surrey, Canada March 9, 2010

Evolution Listening to Mendel Kaplan, I get the impression that Jewish people do not believe in evolution? Reply

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