Humans seemed hard-wired to fail. Why would G-d especially design His world to allow so much failure? To address this topic, we explore the teaching in Ethics of Our Fathers that the world was created with ten statements (ch.5:1).
Sometimes the spiritual demands that Judaism makes on us seem a tall order. We may not attain all the spiritual ideals of Torah, but each of us is capable of making significant strides.
All the rules and restrictions of Torah seem to present a challenge in imparting to our kids an excitement for Judaism. Explore useful ideas and techniques based on teachings from the parsha.
G-d instructed the Jewish people to prepare "in haste" to leave Egypt. Pharaoh rushed the Jews out. Pesach has been a time of urgency ever since. Discover how urgency is key to personal growth.
We explore five major segments of the Pesach seder that, when examined properly, totally revolutionize how we understand the story of Exodus and its message on the seder night.
If Rosh Hashanah coincides with Shabbos, we cancel the main mitzvah, the Shofar. The same applies to the Lulav on Sukkot. So, why don’t we cancel a Pesach Seder when the festival falls on Shabbos?