
Creation and the Kabbalah of You

Why there’s so much human failure

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Creation and the Kabbalah of You: Why there’s so much human failure

Humans seemed hard-wired to fail. Why would G-d especially design His world to allow so much failure? To address this topic, we explore the teaching in Ethics of Our Fathers that the world was created with ten statements (ch.5:1).
Ethics of the Fathers, Failings, Mistakes, Debacles, Freedom of Choice, Ten Utterances

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s UK July 27, 2016

Man And G-D said "Let us make man in our image and likeness" this explains why their was no need to state the physiological aspects of human creation and why human statements are made in reference to HaShem Reply

Ari Shishler August 9, 2015

Hi Rolando

Great question- one that is asked by many of the commentators.

One classic explanation is that G-d wanted to teach us humility by "asking" the angels to weigh in on Creation. We should emulate Him and be inclusive in our planning and decision-making.

Another beautiful explanation is that G-d says to each person, "Let us (you and I) make man". In other words, He wants us to partner with Him and transform the human He created into a spiritually-developed being. Reply

Rolando VA August 6, 2015

The concept of letters possessing power unto creation(as uttered by G-d) is fascinating. However in the utterance " let us make man" why "let us" and not "let me"?
At this time, angels already existed (Tolkien in his fiction Silmarillon had angels obeying G-d "creating"). I don't believe "us" referred to angels. Please comment.
Thank you. Reply