
Why the World Was Created with Ten Utterances

Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels

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Why the World Was Created with Ten Utterances: Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels

The world was created with ten utterances. What does this come to teach us? Certainly, it could have been created with a single utterance. However, this is in order to make the wicked accountable for destroying a world that was created with ten utterances, and to reward the righteous for sustaining a world that was created with ten utterances. (Ethics of Our Fathers ch.5:1)
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Ten Commandments, Freedom of Choice, Ethics of the Fathers, Ten Utterances

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Bill Drev Pennsylvania USA June 5, 2021

The seven nations, and three levels of understanding is completely clear.
The three levels are understood, however the seven nations remains opaque.
A Chabad website search delivers Noachide laws (!?!!).
The introduction of five, and the transition to ten commandments seems to confuse the issue.
Why don't I understand the seven nations?

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts June 14, 2021
in response to Bill Drev:

Dear Bill, thank you for asking.
In general the Seven nations that were absolutely evil, allude to our seven animalistic emotions, that need to be eradicated from our psyche.
Now, because everything in Torah has multiple layers. The seven nations also, refer to the seven noahide laws!
When a person lives by the 7 Noahide laws one refines these 7 attributes. Reply

Bill Drev Pennsylvania June 15, 2021
in response to Rabbi Raskin :

Thank you Rabbi Raskin.
I was worried they referenced King Solomon's study of human (female) nature, and that one positive commandment against Canaanites. Shalom. Reply

Jorge Qro. Mexico June 12, 2016

Today is the day to hear the ten commandments. Thanks G-d I have access to this site to hear how the world was created. I know I'm not an adequate recipient to understand everything that is said here, but some of this stays in my memory; making me feel grateful to G-d, B"H. Reply

Rabbi Aaron Raskin Bklyn Hts May 13, 2019
in response to Jorge:

Every Mitvzah we do; we become a partner with G-d in creation! Reply