
The Ten Utterances

Ethics of Our Fathers 5:1

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The Ten Utterances: Ethics of Our Fathers 5:1

The world was created with ten utterances. What does this come to teach us? Certainly, it could have been created with a single utterance...
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Ten Utterances, Ethics of the Fathers

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Isaac Brooklyn November 4, 2013

Is God not limitless? What I understand from this question is that God is limited to what He can do. That is to say, that God could not have created the world with one utterance and end up with the same results as He did with ten utterances.
Therefore I ask, from where does the author of the Mishnah know that God could have created this world with one utterance? And, Where in scripture can we find an example of this?

Lubavitch 16 year old montreal June 25, 2013

Thank you, Rabbi New. I very much enjoyed this profound shiur. I have a question. Why did Hashem specifically choose the number 10, why not 20? Reply

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