
The Ultimate Mission Statement

The Rebbe’s Inaugural Address

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The Ultimate Mission Statement: The Rebbe’s Inaugural Address

An overview of the very first Maamar (Chassidic discourse) that the Rebbe delivered on the 10th of Shevat 5711 (January 17, 1951), signaling his formal acceptance of the mantle of leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch. This historic discourse defines and directs the mission and destiny of our generation.
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באתי לגני, יו"ד שבט, תשי"א, Shevat 10, Maamar Basi LeGani

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Nancy Hernandez Honolulu, Hawaii December 20, 2021

The Rebbe's Inaugural Address: This was amazing! I wish I could have attended one of the 7th Rebbe's farbrengens, so inspiring. No wonder why I am always seeing the number 11:11 on clocks year after year after year. We are the Generation! Reply

Moishe New Hampstead December 20, 2021
in response to Nancy Hernandez:

Indeed Nancy:)! Thanks for sharing. Reply

Rachel Singer October 11, 2021

Rabbi New, I have no questions because I am so overwhelmed, only that you made me cry, with joy; this will require multiple hearings you have given us so much richness here, thank you. Reply

Rabbi Moishe New Montreal October 11, 2021
in response to Rachel Singer:

Thank you Rachel for your feedback. May Hashem bless you to go from strength to strength in all good things materially and spiritually. Reply

Rita Forbes Clinton January 22, 2021

Good Afternoon, Rabbi New

When will Chabad.org give their permission to allow you to continue this course? It seems that it is already overdue. Should the audience buy the book to follow when permission is given for you to conduct this class. Can this class be a Zoom interactive class?
Now, as you are an expert on kabbalah, do you have a course that concentrates primarily on Genesis 1: 1-4. It is here that G-d introduces himself to humanity. I am interested in the initial light and darkness. I have an idea, but need clarity. Your teachings will take more than Chabad.org 4 classes. You are an excellent educator and the target audience would benefit greatly from your message delivery.

Thank you, Reply

Rabbi Moishe New Montreal October 11, 2021
in response to Rita Forbes:

Hello Rita. My apologies, but I just saw your comment. Thank you for your encouragement.
I plan, G-d willing, to resume giving classes to be aired regularly - hopefully weekly - on Chabad.org.
In the interim, I invite you to check out many of my recorded classes at: Chabad.org/1422797 Reply

Rita Forbes Clinton December 21, 2021
in response to Rabbi Moishe New :

Good Morning, Rabbi New

Thank you! I will check out the classes. Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.