
Your Real Problem Is the Serpent!

A Short Chassidic Story

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Your Real Problem Is the Serpent!: A Short Chassidic Story

This short anecdote with the second Chabad Rebbe shares a poignant message on the deeper struggles in life.
Tree of Knowledge, Sin of, R. DovBer of Lubavitch (Mitteler Rebbe), Satan, Animal Soul, Ego & Selfhood

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Esther Tang New Jersey via princetonchabad.org February 7, 2015

I am a Chinese who believe G_d of Abraham, Isaac, Yaakov. I was born in Taiwan and grew up in a village which is practice paganism. Even my family was not participate those stuff. My family is like humanistic and did not like those idols and try to do what they thought were moral and good deeds. I saw those practices on the street and sorcerers' witchcrafts. One day in high school I somehow got into fierce argument t with a sorcerer. Because their nasty and arrogant attitude toward me and my family. I became very depressed and I felt like I am 90 some years old. I even had hard time to walk up stairs as young girl. I did not know the reason. I lived in miserable condition like this for almost 20 years. Until I came to know the HaShem and experienced the presence of Ruach Ha-Kodesh. My strength came back and the words in the Torah and Bible really a book of life. Reply