1:30 Before I Took Up This Journey Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November The Talmud says that a man’s soulmate is chosen for him before birth. A poem dedicated by the poet to his wife. Watch
1:21 A Jewish Poet Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November The poet talks about the unique challenges of being a Jewish poet. Watch
2:16 G-d's Optimism Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November Reflections on the continuous creation of the universe. Watch
1:20 Climbing Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November The poet, while praying, watches a worker on a ladder. Watch
1:14 How a Place Becomes Holy Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November A short poem about an ordinary event. Watch
1:25 In the Unseeable World Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November On the interaction between the physical and spiritual planes of reality. Watch
1:09 Partners in Creation Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November A thought about how G-d constantly speaks the world into existence. Watch
1:44 Professor Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November The poet writes about his experiences in graduate school. Watch
3:54 Religion of Tests Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November A poem about enduring G-d's hiddenness. A poem in three parts. Watch
1:54 The Arizal's Mikvah Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November On immersing in the spring known as the Arizal's Mikvah in the holy city of Tzefat. Watch
2:09 The Frierdiker Rebbe Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November On the self-sacrifice of the sixth Rebbe of Chabad, R' Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch (1880-1950). Watch
1:04 The Purpose of This World Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November Advice for people who are angry with G-d. Watch
2:29 Upstairs the Eulogy, Downstairs the Rummage Sale Poetry of Yehoshua November By Yehoshua November The Yiddish professor whose funeral fell on the same day as the synagogue rummage sale. Watch