
Love and Fear: A Heart-to-Heart Conversation

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Love and Fear: A Heart-to-Heart Conversation

If everything is about love, who needs fear? Watch a candid discussion between love and fear, each arguing their virtue, and ultimately discovering how they can work in tandem. (Video produced by JLI’s Rosh Chodesh Society)
Love & Awe of G-d

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Boruch Hecht Morristown June 18, 2023

Very thought provoking Rabbi Freeman, יישר כח! (Which one is you?) Reply

David Harold Chester June 16, 2023

In the story that is used in this interview, what was it that caused the driver of Golda Meir to perspire so profoundly? Its an unfinished story. Reply

Anonymous Somewhere June 14, 2023

By the Grace of G-d,

I don't know if you'll ever see this or not, but here it goes.

This is *amazing*! Thank you so so so much for creating this and all that you do. You are so intuitive and creative and deep and everything you create is so profound. I can't tell you how much it's done for me. It would take pages and pages to explain. Long story short: You were the Shliach Hashem sent to save my life. I'm not exaggerating. One day Iy''H I or my mother or someone will let you know the full story, but in the mean time know this: You are a revolutionary. You are changing the world. You are bringing Moshiach. Never stop doing what you do. Your portion in Gan Eden is *huge*.

Thank you.

- Me Reply

A A June 15, 2023
in response to Anonymous:

Please tell us your story Reply

Astronaut On the moon June 21, 2023
in response to Anonymous:

By the Grace of G-d,

Oh, wow! Twinzies! Reply

David Frankson May, Texas June 14, 2023

I wish it has caption so I can understand because I have severe hearing loss. Reply

A B June 19, 2023
in response to David Frankson :

It does. Just make sure they're turned on Reply

anon June 14, 2023

"The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and the knowledge of the holy ones is understanding." Reply

mendel June 14, 2023

Thank you so much that was so amazing meaningfull, deep and clear, the idea of things brought out as a conversation with to sides sharpen every point, keeps it alive and integrating, but here it was also not belittling enyone and it didn't feel like a egoistic debate, it was beautiful, looking forward for more. Reply

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