2:34 When to Think About Getting Married? By David Eliezrie A conversation between an ancient Roman noblewoman and a Talmudic sage about making matches. Watch
2:59 Learning Thanksgiving From the Torah By David Eliezrie A powerful story illustrates the importance of recognizing the source of our blessings and learning gratitude from the Torah. Watch
3:09 The Rosh Hashana of Chasidism By David Eliezrie As we celebrate the 19th of Kislev, we reflect on the Chasidic teaching to look for the inner good in everything. Watch
3:16 A Chanukah Victory Against Nazi Germany By David Eliezrie Celebrating a grand menorah lighting with Germany’s president at Brandenburg Gate, eighty years after Kristallnacht. Watch
2:59 Are You Really Living Life? By David Eliezrie The story of Jacob teaches us how to give meaning to the fleeting moments in life. Watch
2:57 Putting Yourself on the Line for Judaism By David Eliezrie Do we need to sacrifice to be a Jew? A chassidic story and a lesson from Moses at the burning bush. Watch
3:35 Speaking Truth to Power By David Eliezrie A story and message from the parsha on exercising extraordinary courage against unjust authority. Watch
4:15 Sacrificing for Our Children By David Eliezrie A powerful story on a mother’s devotion to doing a bris for her son and the takeaway for parenting and educating children in our times. Watch
3:04 Love in the Details By David Eliezrie A beautiful story about an embarrassed woman in the supermarket teaches us how to love one another. Watch