
Meditation: I Am Essentially Whole

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Meditation: I Am Essentially Whole

Soul, Meditation

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Bernie Friedman Florida May 10, 2021

Thank you Chana. As one who meditates daily, I found your words moving and calming. ( I have also found your home city of Tzvat the same.) Are there more of your meditations I might benefit from? Reply

David Harold Chester Petach Tikva May 6, 2021

My soul did not exist as a separate entity before I was born. Today the challenges that I face are being less well answered that in my past, when I had greater desires to meet them. Even then, if I was able to communicate with my soul, it is now less easy to do so. Peace of mind is so far away, with so many things not achieved and the world appears to be no better than when I first encountered it. How long, oh Heavenly Father? Reply

David Pacific Palisades April 8, 2021

I really enjoyed that. A lot of wisdom, and, if I may say so, maturity for your age. Thank you! Reply

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