
Beginning Within

Developing an intentional perspective of ourselves, others and G-d

In relationship and commitments, things that used to be exciting and come easy, after time become burdensome and difficult. A nuance in the Torah related to tithing offers insight.
What is the difference between successful people and those that aren’t successful at trying those same things? The name of the month preceding the Jewish New Year contains a clue.
The word selfless is accurately put. We will never entirely obliterate the self. We can continuously make our lives less and less about self. While it may seem counterintuitive, this is also the path to greater happiness.
Experiences are what make our lives so enriching. However, when we're distracted by other things, we lose the experience. This is why being in the moment is the key to having an experience.
“Wow, he’s so deep,” we might say about someone we meet. What makes a person deep, and why is it important? In this talk, we explore the difference between the realms of matter and non-material reality, gaining tools to help us become deeper and more authentic people.
In life, we all experience a contradiction; times of confusion, and times of clarity and beauty. Although complete perfection is not possible, we can learn tools to help us experience more happiness and strength. Choosing what to focus on can change our lives.
We all experience pain and suffering—and wish desperately not to. Is there a difference between the two? What is it? Can we minimize how much suffering we will experience? Explore important tools to help you grow your ability to do just that!
We all struggle with our egos, our need for attention. To “make it” we try to stand out and be significant. Paradoxically, we experience tremendous joy and holiness when we can unite with our brothers and sisters. There are special times and ways of celebration that help us tap into that beautiful oneness we all share at our core.
“Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Was it me, no you! Couldn’t be. Then who?” This childhood ditty encapsulates one of life’s major issues. Do we admit our wrongdoings? Try to blame the other? How do we react to our failings? Learn why evading our own misdeeds can be so damaging and how we can move towards taking greater responsibility, react with greater integrity, and provide a safe haven of growth for others who err.
Our lives are full of problems and challenges. How do we respond? We can point out the problem, better yet, offer a solution; or be one of those rare people who takes responsibility and works the solution. Gain insight and motivation into becoming a solver, learning why we already have the ability inside us.
It can be intimidating and discouraging to hear others say that we have such great potential, when we know how far we fall short. When we think about our personal natural abilities, they may indeed be limited. By learning to tap into the potential G-d implanted in us, we can stretch and reach farther than we could ever imagine. Gain insights and tools to tap into the infinite.
Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve micromanaged someone? When we can’t trust, it frustrates those we work with, and limits ourselves. We can train ourselves to trust others, step by step, and how with appropriate trusting we can accomplish things that seem impossible. Learn how developing greater trust can expand your life.
While we may admire pristine order and perfection, is there greater virtue in another focus? Perfection and holiness can be two different paths. Learn how the busy, rumpled person may be actually greater in holiness, since he has a different priority. Gain perspectives on where to put your energy for maximum happiness and satisfaction.
We learn so much from a seed. One tiny seed can yield a tree overflowing with fruit. True abundance comes from a special kind of planting, with a certain kind of attitude. Learn how to invest in a way that will yield abundance and blessing.
It’s so hard to know when we’re being taken advantage of, exploited, or even worse, abused. Finding the strength to set clear boundaries and knowing when to walk away is challenging. Learn insights and tools to recognize such situations and move forward with greater clarity.
We all like to be right and to win. It can be hard to have the objectivity and humility to admit that we err. Especially if we can win with a “cheap shot” -- that makes us come out on top, but diminishes our true integrity. Gain insight into how a temporary setback can sometimes be an ultimate win, building deeper character.
Why is peace so elusive? Life seems full of conflict on every level – internal, personal, national, and global. There are quick fixes and deeper long term solutions. Learn insights for integrating the parts of your life that seem intractable.
So much of our life is based on stats. The stock market, the winning team’s scores, our health and fitness tracker; to name a few. Is quality over quantity a worn cliché or a true approach to life? Learn an approach that goes beyond a spreadsheet.
We all want to be seen as the nice guy who everyone loves. Praise, treats, second chances keep us the favorite. But is it ever better to say no, to let people experience tough love? Learn about the growth that the right severity can create.
Sometimes we see it coming. We warn our spouse or child, and they proceed to mess up. Isn’t this the time for tough love reprimand, to point out their errors? Learn how to most effectively support and rebuild the person who did wrong.
So many of us search, yearning to find our deepest and truest selves. This can involve traveling to distant lands, seeking out therapists and teachers, spending copious hours and dollars on our quest. Yet, by turning outside ourselves, we may encounter something dramatically different.
Is the glass half empty or half full? We know that a positive outlook can transform the way we experience life. But what about those really hard times, when seeing any good, having any kind of vision, seems impossible. Learn a new perspective, and the possibilities it can open up.
We’re all drawn to light. Physical light – daylight, candle light, sunshine – and to those people who seem to give off a luminescence. Do we need to be around certain people or environments to create light for us? Learn how to shine your own light and never let it dim.
Why do placebos work? It is because people are gullible, or because something deeper is at play? Believing we are being healed can change us physically. Our thoughts and attitudes are powerful. Learn how to better shape and mold your reality.
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