1:03 Why the Alter Rebbe Wrote Tanya By Yehoshua B. Gordon The Alter Rebbe’s decision to write a book that would serve as a practical guide for life. Watch
0:55 Why Tanya Means Strength By Yehoshua B. Gordon The hidden meaning of the first word of Tanya and the power to transform ourselves. Watch
2:18 Who is a Tzaddik? By Yehoshua B. Gordon The difference between the causal usage of the term "tzaddik" and the Alter Rebbe's definition of the word in Tanya. Watch
2:10 What are "Kelipah" and "Sitra Achra"? By Yehoshua B. Gordon Rabbi Gordon clarifies the definition of two common kabbalistic expressions for evil. Watch
3:31 Self-Serving Kindness By Yehoshua B. Gordon Are we kind because it feels good or because it's the right thing to do? Watch
3:23 What Your Soul Is Wearing By Yehoshua B. Gordon The difference between who you are and what you do. Watch
2:37 How Torah is Like Water By Yehoshua B. Gordon Why the Torah is sometimes compared to water rather than light. Watch
2:27 A New Pharaoh By Yehoshua B. Gordon How is it possible -- as the Torah tells us -- that the new king of Egypt didn't know who Joseph was? Two opinions of the Sages. Watch
2:15 What's Normal? By Yehoshua B. Gordon Rabbi Gordon shares an amusing anecdote about how his father—Rabbi Sholom Ber Gordon, of blessed memory—wasn’t taken into the U.S. army in World War II. Watch
1:56 Tribal Ancestry By Yehoshua B. Gordon Reflections on the Biblical account of how the Jewish people established their tribal pedigrees for the census taken by Moses. Watch
2:25 Dermatologist or Kohen? By Yehoshua B. Gordon The difference between the spiritual condition often translated as leprosy (tzaraat) and the physical ailment of the same name. Watch
4:32 Slavery in the Torah By Yehoshua B. Gordon A general introduction to the concept of slavery and how it was practiced according to Biblical law. Watch
1:49 Jacob Leaves Home By Yehoshua B. Gordon The circumstances under which our patriarch Jacob left his parents' home at the age of sixty-three. Watch
2:46 Free Will vs. Fate By Yehoshua B. Gordon Whether something good or bad has been predestined, how does G‑d choose which person should be the one to bring it about? Watch
3:41 The Book of Deuteronomy By Yehoshua B. Gordon An introduction to the book of Deuteronomy and its uniqueness among the Five Books of Moses. Watch
1:46 Judah's Debate with Joseph By Yehoshua B. Gordon The opening words of the Torah portion Vayigash hint to an eternal debate over how to deal with the trappings of this world. Watch
2:18 A Wife’s Influence By Yehoshua B. Gordon How one man’s wife saved him from a dismal fate, and the lesson for us all. Watch
1:22 A Tallis By Yehoshua B. Gordon "Speaking of a tallis...." Just a little joke about a tallis. Watch