
G-d's Fingerprints in a Simple Seed

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G-d's Fingerprints in a Simple Seed

A Jewish scientist discusses the hand of G-d in the synchronized complexities in planting an orange…
Faith; Belief in G-d, Torah & Science, Creation, Fruit Trees, Seeds, Nature

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Anonymous July 17, 2022

That... was AMAZING. Thank you so so so much for making this. Reply

Hugh MCDanel Usa July 16, 2022

Oh what a blessing! What a glorious blessing , so perfect, so beautiful, made for man.
Man’s purpose is to tend the soil, from which comes life, HASHEM opens up his hand a satisfies the desire of every living thing. Once you dwell on the beautiful process HASHEM gives you knowledge and understanding about his beautiful world. We live in a time when we can know more of HASHEM’s world, let us pray we have the wisdom to use that knowledge in a functional way. Reply

Mench July 14, 2022

Fascinating Reply

Allan Melbourne July 14, 2022

Doesn't chassidus teach that this comes from the power of growth that is in the soil and not the seed? Is this video not a contradiction? Reply

Prof. Gilbert Daniel Nessim Israel July 15, 2022
in response to Allan :

This is a very good point - the soil surely has to do a lot in this process. We do not get any growth with a seed without soil or with a soil without seed. Furthermore, we also need sun, water, and air.
In fact some soils works better than others for each specific seed.
Having considered all the above, without an orange seed there will not be an orange tree. And if we want an apple tree, we do need an apple seed. So somehow, the seed is critical and the instructions to grow a specific tree come from its specific seed.
If we want to even better appreciate the miracles involved in a seed growing a tree, one can consider that the seed really disappears shortly after the beginning of the growth, which begs the question: where are now the instructions for further growth (branches, leaves, flowers, fruits)? If one takes a branch and replants it in the soil, will it not continue growing and sprouting? Miracles and miracles. See also A Seed in Earth's Womb by Laibl Wolf Reply

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