
The Ultimate Shelter

A Sukkot Message

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The Ultimate Shelter: A Sukkot Message

Rabbi Dan Roth shows us how to leave our problems at the doorstep of the sukkah, and let G‑d be our “Ultimate Shelter.”
Career; Earning a Living, Sukkot, Bitachon, Sukkah

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Yochanan Quillen Sonora, CA October 10, 2012

Thank you! Just received news of layoffs at work and then decided to log on and check out Chabad.org...always a blessing. This encouraged me so much!! Reply

Carol Watts Hickory, NC, USA September 29, 2012

The Ultimate Shelter Such spiritual insight - very moving - bringing me back to special meditation on our G_d. Thank you Rabbi Roth Reply

tina hale hurst, Texas September 27, 2012

desert The Lord has my self and other that i know in the desert a wilderness of dryness I have no job . Yet our G-d sustain us. I love the stars and what he said about them seeing the same stars. never though of this till now. thanks Reply

Elena Jacksonville, FL via chabadjacksonville.org October 9, 2011

What a beautiful heartfelt video... thank you. Reply

margaret Mejsa, Arizona, USA September 28, 2010

The Ultimate Shelter What a beautiful teaching. As I watched this video by Rabbi Roth, It transport me to that desert where the Jewish people spent 40 years. And my heart jumps with gladness by just imagining G-d's Shekinah in that beautiful place.

I feel a special warmth in my spirit, that only our Creator can give. How wonderful, how loving, and caring is our Heavenly Father!!!

I do not know which other way I can describe the feeling.

Thank you Rabbi Roth for bringing the thought to my mind.

Blessings Reply

Anonymous katzrin, isreal September 22, 2010

thank you so special
so important Reply

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