A taste of inspiring and life-enriching anecdotes and vignettes from the book Positivity Bias, which highlights how the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught us to see ourselves, others, and the world around us.
It is humanly impossible to be completely objective, devoid of any lens that frames the way we see reality. Let’s create for ourselves positive perspectives and biases.
The Rebbe showed us how living a life of positivity is a choice, not circumstance; and derives from one’s perspective, and not just from one’s personality.
Many judge others by their actions and themselves by their intentions. But the Rebbe did the opposite, even in his interpretation of the notoriously wicked figures in the Torah.
Like the Baal Shem Tov, the rebbe assumed leadership at a critical moment in Jewish history. The Jewish nation was reeling from the Holocaust and pressured to assimilate. The Rebbe assumed a unifying and welcoming position that would be come the hallmark of Chabad Chassidism.