
How to Move Forward Despite Adversity

Life Lessons from Parshat Beshalach

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How to Move Forward Despite Adversity: Life Lessons from Parshat Beshalach

Shortly after leaving Egypt, the children of Israel found themselves in an impossible situation, stuck between the sea in front of them and the Egyptian army chasing them from behind. The proper response contains a powerful lesson in surmounting seemingly impossible challenges.
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Shevat 10, Splitting of the Sea, Beshalach

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Uri Yitzchak February 1, 2023

Rabbi Gordon,you are sorely missed. May your memory be always for a blessing Reply

Belle Robinson Illinois January 15, 2022

New insight for daily journey. Thank you. This hit home and I will embrace the message for my life going forward. Reply

Rachel Singer October 22, 2021

"Don't fight the roaches..." I love Rabbi Gordon OBM Reply

George Waters East Derby, CT USA April 27, 2019

This life lesson which is presented here by Rabbi Yehoshua Gordon is for me life changing.
I am at a major crossroads in my life as well, faced with many challenges as a middle aged man, and this lesson has provided me great inspiration and new focus on my life.
Although I am a Lutheren, I am suddenly this year being drawn to Judaism and am starting preparations to properly convert to Judaism once it is determined that the time is right and that I am ready.
I cannot explain my sudden belief in Judaism, except that it is very real and something that I feel compelled to follow.
Thank you so much for making these teachings available, as I watch, contemplate, and learn from a different lesson each day. Reply

Jeanne Peltz Margate April 26, 2019

I am fearful of the future because of the financial situation. In SAfrica I had been injured performing voluntary work and compelled to take early retirement on a static non-liveable pension, 20 years ago. I sought employment again when my eyes recovered, but, despite my doctorate in education and qualifications of numerous teaching subjects acquired at university level, I was unable to acquire teaching posts. I applied for more than 100 jobs, even waiteressing but have not been successful, because. of my white skin. I don't fear being murdered or attacked but how to cope financially with the future. Such is existence in SA under a corrupt system. No solution to my problem Reply

Daniele Silva Brazil April 25, 2019

The Rabbi Gordon's words had (and have) fire. May G-d to elevate his soul ever and ever.
Thank you G-d, and thank you Chabad Team. Reply

Gabe Brazil July 10, 2016

Great! I'm from Brazil and have no defined religion, ended up finding this because I was googling for "moving forward despite problems" - I have been dealing with a lot of anxiety and finding a lot of respite in my (weirdly independent) faith - which I had lost for years.
Even though I never had contact with anything of Jewish nature, this made me cry. It's the sort of wisdom and strength I need to break through the utterly ruined state anxiety can leave us in. It applies perfectly.

Thanks for making such great content available, and good luck! Reply

Alice Leifsha Gross Baltimore January 17, 2016

Always inspiring and with good humor. Your words give me chizuk in a time of world tumult and personal tragedy of the untimely petira of my husband Baruch Avraham ben Benyomin HaKohain . Hakaras Hatov for your effort to bring emunah and bitachon in my dark days. Reply

Anonymous Yew York November 12, 2015

Thanks Thank you. Reply

Don Murray Sacramento, CA November 10, 2015

Amazing I love this! It is so motivational.

I listen to R. Gordon every week, and totally enjoy his insight, but this is beyond amazing.

Thank you for sharing R. Gordon.


Shalom shalom Reply

Yehuda Shurpin for Chabad.org January 28, 2015

Re: 200 years? For an explanation on how many years the Jews were in Egypt please see How many years did the Jews spend in Egypt? Reply

Anonymous January 23, 2015

200 years? I am confused, Torah says Jews were in Egypt for 430 years. You say 200 years. Please explain.

Thank you, Julie Reply

Kayo Kaneko Tokyo, Japan January 14, 2014

The road map HaShem gave me This shiur is such an affirmation and directive for me as I walk this conversion process HaSehm gave me. Thank you for blessing. Reply

Yochana January 10, 2014

Parshah Beshalach Rabbi Gordon, thank you for this teaching. Truly even through adversaries, good things can come out and be accomplished. Keep going forward, keeping our eyes on the prize, continue our work which G_d has entrusted us with. Good Shabbas to you and your family Reply

Anonymous israel January 10, 2014

rabbi gordon does it again. yeshar koiach! todah rabah rabah!! Reply

Martha Bogotá Colombia January 9, 2014

Moving foward despite adversity Rav.Gordon:
Very interesting speech about the parshat and all emissaries of the Rebbe in the world!
Thank you

pinhas Haas -- Type your city above -- January 9, 2014

Dear Rav Gordon,

I am a Dutch Jew and I just listened to your Parsha portion of Beshalach.
I like it very much and thanks
Greetings from Maastricht, situated in the southern part of the Netherlands. Reply

Anonymous January 8, 2014

Thank you for the word of G_d. I am most grateful for Shevat 7, 5774 · January 8, 2014. I am deeply moved by tears and the comfort of G_d's word spoken by Rabbi Yehoshua Gordon, Moving Forward Despite Adversity, Life Lessons from Parshat Beshalach. Shalom Rabbi Yehoshua Gordon. Blessings to you and your family. Again, Thank You.
With gratitude, Reply

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