
The Miraculous Number Eight

Life Lessons from Parshat Shemini

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The Miraculous Number Eight: Life Lessons from Parshat Shemini

The name of this Torah portion means eight, which is extremely special and central in Judaism. Explore the significance and the many areas where this number is expressed throughout Jewish life.
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Tabernacle Dedication, 8, Shemini

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gideon raanana March 30, 2016

amen amen va amen Reply

Cindi B Los Angeles April 16, 2015

8 is my lucky # Reply

Gloria E. Schroeder Montana USA April 16, 2015

"Days of Moshiach is end of terrorism " All the world strives to create the perfect peace plan between Muslims, Jews and Christians. BUT until a plan based on the only common factor of deep respect between all parties is acknowledge, there will be no peace. The only common factor is Moses. It will take courage in these modern times to walk away from a Civil Peace Plan, and uphold the Laws of Moses. Reply

Anonymous April 16, 2015

"Moshiach Tsidkenu"? Does "Moshiach Tsidkenu" mean "Moshiach Our Righteousness" (as in Yirm 23:5,6) or "Our Righteous Messiah"? Reply

Tone London April 14, 2015

loved that joke haha Reply

Barry Wicksman Saipan March 22, 2014

MIRACLE OF EIGHT Amen, great insight rabbi. As you pointed out we should not be overwhelmed by our mundane. We are connected by eight which is the reality of the spiritual. Reply

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