
Amalek and G-d's Name

Letters and Numbers of Torah - Beshalach

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Amalek and G-d's Name: Letters and Numbers of Torah - Beshalach

After fighting a war with the nation of Amalek, Moses says (Exodus 17:16) “There is a hand on the throne of G-d [swearing] that there shall be a war of G-d against Amalek from generation to generation.” In this verse, G-d's four-letter name is missing the letters vav and hei. What is the connection between the completion of G-d's name and the defeat of Amalek?
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Parshah, Amalek, HaVaYaH, Amalek, Battle with, Beshalach

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Angela Gershenwald Lewiston February 21, 2016

Amalek's Line rabbi, but Terrorists are beheading people, and want to do the same to the Jewish people. I think Our Creator would want them to be destroyed before it would be allowed to destroyed Israel again. I understand that the evil Inclination might be in me. But even Moses had a war with them, and now they are stabbing Jewish people for no reason but to be murders. I really feel Rabbi we are in living Prophesy and their are a lot of pages that need to be answered by Our creator's enemies, they control the World still, even the United Nations. But this murder must stop, and I do not believe that they have a spark within their souls. In Exodus Va'era verse 19 Our creator made an distinction between my people and your people - tomorrow this sign will come about, and then in BO verse 7 But against all of the Children of Israel, no dog shall whet his tongue, against neither man nor beast, so that you should know that I am Hashem will have differentiated between Egypt and Israel, this is forever Reply

Eugina Giovanna Herrera New York City, New York January 30, 2015

Everything is for a reason Everything is for a reason. So true!

Thank you for sharing this wonderful article! Reply

Pamela Sue Alexander Portland, OR February 16, 2012

To "Sadness" I read: "sadness fills (your) heart that (you) are so far from Jewishness." Remember, though, that no matter how distant you feel, G-d is near to you and is but a prayer away! :) Sometimes it feels overwhelming to start "doing Jewish" after being disconnected. I'm aware that the Polish Jewish community in Lodz was decimated during the Shoah, and that today very few Jews remain in Poland.

Still, is it possible for you to find a friend or family with whom to light Sabbath candles? Even have dinner? There are websites (Chabad?) where you can request to spend Shabbat with a family in your area! I'm going to do that!

I, too, often feel disconnected; my husband is a secular Jew and does not wish to have Sabbath dinner and say the blessings with me. It is lonely. I lit Hanukkah candles alone. Try lighting Sabbath candles this Friday. Take it slow and add a bit each week. And, most importantly, find a Jewish friend, even on facebook!! If you like, send me a friend request! We'll talk! Reply

Mark Preston, Oklahoma February 8, 2012

complete thank you...may The Name be complete quickly. And thank you for standing firm in teaching truth. Reply

Anonymous Łódź, Poland February 2, 2012

sadness sadness fills my heart that I'm so far from Jewishness. I'm descendent of Jacob; but I'm closer to Esau thinking. Let G-d support you. me too. Reply

Rabbi Raskin looks at the hidden meanings of the sizes and numerical values (gematria) of the Hebrew letters in the weekly Torah portion.
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