
Life after Death

A lesson from our matriarch Sarah

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Life after Death: A lesson from our matriarch Sarah

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Death, Sarah, Life After Death, Chayei Sarah

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Rochel Singer Pittsburgh November 15, 2022

It is 2022, ,Rabbi Gordon remains the flame of the best of Torah teachings, carried the messages of the Rebbe to us all. May our learning from him continue to be an aliyah for him. He brings tears to my eyes with his brilliance every shiur. Thank you Rabbi Gordon. Reply

Anon Melbourne australia November 11, 2020

Beautiful Dvar Torah Such a great Teacher Reply

Anonymous USA November 28, 2015

The Life of Sarah Thank you, my interest is in the living word of God and the Jewish people which you so eloqently display the blessings of truth. Blessings upon you and your house forever. Reply

Anonymous November 14, 2014

Being the body is interned and returns to the earth, where does the soul go if it lives on forever? Rabbi Gordon says that the person lives on through their descendants via their influence and teachings, so this is figuratively rather than literally that the soul lives forever? To my understanding, the soul returns to Gd. and not of this earth. Reply

Rabbi Gordon Encino CA June 15, 2014

Burial if Adam, Eve and Sarah Over 1000 years passed between the death of Adam and the burial of Sarah. A lot of things can happen and be forgotten in 1000 years.

Thank you very much. Reply

Anonymous June 13, 2014

The Life of Sarah Hello Rabbi,
Doesn't it seem odd that Ephron didn't know that he owned the property where Adam and Eve were buried and also that Abraham DID know?? Thank you for your wonderful way of teaching, you are a scholar and a comic.
All my respect,

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