
Maamar Basi LeGani 5714

A chassidic discourse for the 10th of Shevat

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Maamar Basi LeGani 5714: A chassidic discourse for the 10th of Shevat

The Rebbe would say a maamar on the 10th of Shevat, commemorating the anniversary of passing of his father-in-law, the sixth Chabad Rebbe, each year expounding upon another chapter from his father-in-law’s discourse titled Basi LeGani. This maamar, recited in 5714 (1954), focuses on the fourth chapter.
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Shevat 10, Maamar Basi LeGani

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Jonathan Santa Monica January 8, 2017

His Legacy! I listen to him every morning for Tanya and Rashi. It is almost inconceivable to me that he has passed. His memory and his work is a blessing to us all. Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn January 8, 2017

Rabbi Gordon's lessons here on Chabad.org is a credit to his legacy.
Thank you Reply

Chavah Kwiatkowska Latvia January 9, 2014

Thank you very much! Reply

israel israel January 9, 2014

Rabbi Gordon is a great teacher! Thanks rabbi Gordon and thanks to chabad.org!
Practical, understandable, inspirational, and pleasant to listen to. may Hashem bless us to put the inspiration into action - to actualize these most important lessons. Reply

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