
Got a Target on Your Back?

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Got a Target on Your Back?

When you feel like you’re being hunted down by troubles in life, by “enemies,” is G-d simply the One you turn to in the hopes of gaining a divine ally to defeat your enemies? Or are your troubles themselves somehow on your side too?
Struggle, Challenge & Adversity, Pharaoh, Beshalach

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Hadassah Texas February 4, 2023

G-d in disguise…gut tov Michael 👍
Love it!
Adore your vids, what a gift from on High you have.
Haddie Reply

Anonymous Nashville February 3, 2020

Thank you Rabbi Chighel for the innovative way you present the Torah truths. Every week, usually on Sunday or Monday, I read all the portions for the week. Then, to start my week of learning, I usually go to your videos first, because they are entertaining and act as an "introduction to" or "icebreaker" for a more in depth study of the parshah.

This week's video relating to Beshalach has been particulalry helpful. I realized from your video, that my problems..." Pharoahs incitements" should be embraced and worked through. These are actually from Hashem, designed specifically for me to grow in my actions and faith in Hashem. I should not waste time feeling sorry for myself but rather embrace the challenges. Thank you for making this video. Reply

Michael Chighel Jerusalem February 9, 2020
in response to Anonymous:

Hashem will help you! Reply

cowgirl pomona January 2, 2023
in response to Michael Chighel:

correct Reply

Mariab Pasadena, Ca, USA February 2, 2019

Can my challenges make my connection stronger? This message made me understand that my challenges aren't bad at all, because it is true, If I live a challenge I turn to G-d immediately. But I never realize before that it make my connection with Him stronger. It is great. Thanks.

About the video. For me it is true that is different but are we not living in robotics and technology time? Reply

Francine via chabadofwestdavie.com January 19, 2019

Enjoyed your humor. Our soul's divine purpose lies deep within all of us. Everything and everyone has a divine purpose. Reply

Philip Benjamin Halifax January 18, 2019

Nice presentation. The use of humor was great. Not childish at all, just a good use of humor to deliver a serious and important message. I think that many people who are troubled and feeling a little down need will appreciate this kind of presentation. Such humor provides a positive atmosphere. Reply

Shmuel Detroit January 14, 2019

A little over the top for my tastes. Also too juvenile. The emotional first part pushes me away so I have to force myself to wait for the calm advice part. Can't watch the whole thing. Reply

Michael Chighel Jerusalem January 16, 2019
in response to Shmuel:

Dear Shmuel from Detroit, I see I missed my mark. I aimed to make this video *way* over the top, not just over the top, and downright childish, not just juvenile. Oh well, back to the old drawing board. At least you can watch part of the video. I can't even watch a few seconds without a severe narcoleptic reaction. Brokhos! Reply

Bladimir Pompano beach January 17, 2019
in response to Shmuel:

Hate those that complain a lot about issues that aren't even inportant. We should focus on the positive aspect and childlike video made. Millions of children are victims of bully this video is excellent for those that needs motivation. Nobody likes an old traditional tasteless non creative video . Video is actually very positive and the way the guy acts is just like the way we act when we are truly connected our G-d.. We become his true children. Reply

Sheina London January 14, 2019

Thanks! Great message and presentation. Reply

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